Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Don't Get De-Indexed

As search engine optimization has grown more popular, so has the
use of unethical SEO (that’s shorthand for search engine
optimization) techniques. But what are these “black hat”
techniques? Why are they so bad? Better yet, what can you, as a
web site owner, do to legitimately increase your search engine
ranking? These are all questions which this newsletter will
answer. After you’ve read this, you’ll know what techniques are
underhanded and which are acceptable.

So what are “Black Hat” techniques?

“Black Hat” techniques are unethical techniques that some web
site owners use to get their site listed on search engines. They
usually use these techniques to get a high search engine
listing. Here is a list of three common “Black Hat” techniques
you should avoid if you want to please search engine spiders.

1. Keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is the overuse of keywords
in a piece of content. Generally, this is repeating the same
keywords over and over just to achieve a higher search engine
2. Invisible text. Quite a few cheap sites use this tactic,
which involves making keywords in a font that is the same color
as the background, so that readers can’t see the massive amounts
of keywords, but search engine spiders can.
3. Doorway pages. These are pages that regular visitors cannot
see, but search engine spiders can. They are done to trick the
search engines so that the site gets a higher ranking.

Why are “Black Hat” techniques bad?

They’re bad because they go against the rules set forth by
search engines. Not only do they go against the rules, but they
also hurt the visitor’s experience. Who wants to see a site
stuffed with keywords? “Black Hat” techniques are unethical and

Do “Black Hat” techniques work?

Yes, they do, which is why people use them. But these techniques
only work temporarily. Eventually the search engine spiders
catch on and your site is permanently banned from being listed.
This is why you should never use “Black Hat” techniques. It may
pay off for a few short weeks, but it permanently hurts your
site and its credibility on the internet.

So if I can’t use “Black Hat” techniques, what techniques can I
use to help my site get listed high on search engines?

Fortunately, there are multiple techniques that you can use to
get your site legitimately listed high on search engines. We’ll
go over two such techniques right now.


Earlier in this newsletter, we talked about keyword stuffing.
While keyword stuffing is an awful thing to do, the natural use
of keywords is perfectly fine. By natural, we mean keywords that
are spread throughout a document in a way that isn’t blatant.

How do you naturally use keywords in your content to benefit
your site? Well, before you even write your content, take a few
minutes to identify some keywords that are relevant to your
site. Then, begin to write the content. Try to incorporate the
keywords you have picked out in a natural way throughout the
content. Ideally, if your content is 600 words, you’ll want to
use the main keyword between 6-18 times, which is a keyword
density of 1-3%(keyword density is the number of keywords
divided by the total words of a document). Anything less than
that won’t be beneficial to your site. More than 3% keyword
density might seem like keyword stuffing, so try not to go much
past 5% keyword density.

One thing to keep in mind is that actual people are reading your
site. Thus, you should make sure that the use of keywords does
not distract your readers from the whole meaning of the content.


Linking is a very common practice between web sites. How do you
do it? Well, you ask a site that is relevant to yours to post a
link to your site on their site. In return, you can offer to
link to their site on your site. That way, both sites get a
benefit from the linking.

How does this help your listing? Well, each time a search engine
spider visits a page with a link to your site on it, the spider
will then visit your site.

If you keep the above in mind, your site will get listed high on
a search engine with no danger of being pulled.

While “Black Hat” techniques temporarily do work, they
never pay off in the long run. So if you want a legitimately
high search engine listing, don’t use “Black Hat” techniques.
Use the natural methods for high search engine rankings!

Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Len Hutton

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You are not going to believe this…but you need to!
I just checked out Matt Callens incredible software called HyperVRE, and this could be the first time that I have used a free software more than I do my other paid apps.
Matt told me I could let a few people know about the site before he starts charging for the product, and I had to tell you about this. :-)
While I could go on and on about the features and how they have benefited my business, I think you really need to see for yourself what this software really can do. For now - he is giving this software away for free, so there is no risk. But you need to hurry before there is a hefty one-time payment.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Post Regularly Because...

Keeping people interested in your blog, whether it is a business
or personal blog, is key to attracting a lot of regular
visitors. Many blogs have died because people have just lost
interest. The main reason for the lack of interest is simply a
lack of posts by the blogger. Regular, frequent posting, which
will boost your blog’s ranking in search engines, is essential
to the survival of any blog.

You might be asking yourself, what is frequent posting? How many
blog entries should I make on a given week? How do I make
frequent consistently good posts? What are the reasons for me to
post frequently? In this newsletter, we will go over all of the

What is frequent posting?

Frequent blog posting is posting enough to keep your readers
interested. Obviously, people will not want to come back to a
blog that hasn’t been updated in months. They want to see
consistent posting so that they know coming back to check the
blog next week to see if there are more posts won’t be a waste
of time.

How many blog entries should I make each week?

This is one of the tougher questions to answer. It really
depends on the purpose of your blog. If it’s a personal blog, a
weekly or twice weekly update is an excellent idea. A
political/sports/music/religion blog should have 3-4 posts per
week. Business blogs should have at least 2 posts, but
preferably 4 each week.

The thing to remember is that quality counts. Posting frequently
just for the sake of posting frequently tends to result in
subpar posts which people won’t care about. It is important to
find a balance—frequent, quality posts that won’t result in
burnout on your part. Why create 4 poor quality posts each week
when you could post 2 quality posts per week?

How do I create quality postings on a consistent basis?

It’s all about following a consistent pattern of writing. Maybe
you’re not a natural writer and this is difficult. That’s why
we’ll give you an outline to help you.

1. Pick a topic that is interesting to you and to your readers.
Maybe if your blog is a personal blog, you could write about the
latest happenings in Hollywood.
2. Carefully think about what you’ll write about the topic. It
makes it easy to make quality blog postings if you know exactly
what you’ll write. Plot out everything about the post before
even beginning to write it.
3. Before writing your content, pick out some keywords that are
relevant to your blog. If you naturally use keywords throughout
your post, you will please search engine spiders which will get
your blog ranked higher on search engines. Your visitors won’t
mind the use of keywords if they are used in a tasteful way.
4. Begin writing your post. Don’t limit yourself to a particular
amount of words. Just do what’s natural. And if any blog post is
hard for you, just take a timeout and relax. You should be able
to finish the post a bit later on, after you’ve had some time to
think things through, you should be able to finish the post with
no problems.

Why is frequent posting important?

Blogs are meant to be outlets for individuals or businesses.
They are used to get an opinion out on something and to engage
readers. Readers need to have something that makes them want to
keep coming back to a blog. That something is usually quality,
frequent posts.

Gaining and maintaining visitors isn’t the only reason to post
often in your blog. Catching the eye of a search engine—and
achieving a high ranking—is another valid reason for posting
frequently. Most likely, each posting in your blog features some
keywords or keyword phrases scattered throughout it. Logic says
that the more natural keywords you have on a blog, the better.
Thus, the more posts you make on your blog, the more keywords
you have on there. And the more keywords you have, the more
likely a search engine bot is to crawl your site. The more your
site is crawled by bots, the more likely it is that you will
have a high ranking on a search engine.

Frequent blog posting can be easy as long as the person who
is posting takes the time to plot out what they’ll write about.
So take a few minutes to think about your post and then just do

Get a no cost video showing you step by step how to set up a niche ebook empire at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Len Hutton

Friday, February 8, 2008

Get a Free Blog

Over the past few years, blogs have become incredibly popular.
Just about everyone who uses the internet also has a blog. You
want to get in on the action, but you're not sure how to get
your own blog.

Luckily for you, sites like Blogger.com have made it easy to
set-up and make posts on a blog. In this newsletter, we will go
over everything from signing up for a blog on Blogger.com to
choosing a template (look) to finally making a first post.

What is Blogger.com?

Simply put, Blogger.com is a site that hosts blogs for free.
This makes it even easier for you to have a blog because there
is no need to set up a web site and host the blog yourself. All
you have to do on Blogger.com, once you've signed up, is login
to your blog, write a blog post and click submit. It‘s that

What will my web address be on Blogger.com?

Your web address will be http://yourname.blogspot.com. One thing
that people dislike about Blogger and other free blog sites is
that they don’t have as great of a freedom in choosing a name.
You are limited to choosing only what is available. So if you’re
looking for http://yankeesfan.blogspot.com, you probably won’t
be able to find that.

Signing up for a blog on Blogger

The first thing you’ll do is go to blogger.com. Next, you’ll
scroll down the page and click on the button labeled “Create
Your Blog Now”.

You will then be taken to a page where you will enter an email
address(used to log into your blog), a password, and a word
verification. You’ll also have to check “I Accept Terms of
Service”. Click continue.

Next, you will be taken to a page where you will choose the blog
title, blog address, and another word verification(which is done
to prevent auto-signups). When you type in your blog address,
you can click a link that says “check availability”. This will
tell you whether or not the desired name is available. If the
first name you wish to have is not available, keep typing in
different variations of the name until you find one that is

After you have put in all the information, click “Continue”.

Choosing a Template

After you click “Continue”, you’ll be asked to choose a
template. The template can be changed at any time after you
sign-up for the blog, so you don’t have to choose an “official”
template now.

If you scroll down, you’ll see a variety of different templates.
Click on the one that you like best and then click “Continue”.

Your First Blog Post

After you’ve chosen a template, you’ll see that your blog has
been created and that there is a button to “Start Posting”.
Click that button.

You’ll be taken to a page that is similar to the posting page at
a message board. There is a “Title” field, where you can put in
the title of this particular blog posting. Then there is a
bigger field, which is the body of your post. Type all you want
in this “Body” field, as there is no limit.

Note that there are options above the field to bold, italicize,
underline or spell check the text. There is also the option of
changing the size and color of the text, plus the ability to add
bullet points, numbered lists and even pictures. For now, you’ll
just do a simple “Welcome” post.

In the “Title” field, type “Welcome!” In the “Body” field, type
your message. You could start with a simple introduction,
talking about yourself and the purpose of the blog. When you’re
done typing the message, click the “Publish” button. It is worth
noting that you can choose to save the post as a draft, if you
want to go back and later finish the post.

After you’ve clicked “Publish”, you’ll see that your blog has
been published successfully. Click the “View Blog” link to view
the results of your work. You’ll now see your post.

Logging into Blogger after the first post

You’ll go to Blogger.com and click on the “Old Blogger” link at
the top right of the page. Type in the email address and
password that you signed up with. You’ll be taken to the
“Dashboard” of your blog. If you want to enter a new post on
your blog, click “New Post”. Then follow the instructions
mentioned in the previous section. Or if you want to edit the
template, add/edit elements to your page, you’ll click
“Settings” and then “Template”.

That’s all there is to it. Blogs, whether they are hosted at
blogger.com or another free blog site, are incredibly useful and

Blogger makes setting up and running a blog very easy for
those who have never done it before. So what are you waiting
for? Sign-up for a free blog at Blogger.com today and enjoy

If you are considering using Google Pay-Per-Click Ads to promote your blog check out this web site http://rowner.freegoogle.hop.clickbank.net/

Len Hutton

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stop Blog Spammers

Blogs are now an extremely popular and important part of the
internet. Millions of people blog every day. As blogs have
evolved over the years, so has the commenting system. Now anyone
can make comments on a particular blog posting. As blog
commenting has grown more popular, so has spam commenting. In
this newsletter, we’ll go over why comments are a great form of
feedback for your blog, how they help the credibility of your
content, what spam comments are and how to prevent them from

Comments – A great form of feedback

When blogs first came around, they were simply online journals.
No one could post comments on a blog posting. That all changed
in 1998 with OpenDiary, a site which allowed people to comment
on blog postings. Now every blog, whether it is remotely or
self-hosted, includes this option to comment.

Commenting is great because it allows real people to tell you
what they think about your form. It gives you feedback on what
you are doing right and what you may need to improve. Comments
can be encouraging to you and motivate you to post more quality
blog messages. Or they can be constructive criticism to make you
work harder to get better at writing content.

Whatever the style of comment is, it is still very useful to
your blog. High numbers of comments have the ability to make a
blog look credible because they show that the blog is being read
by a lot of people. That’s something that every blog owner
wants, and comments help to let them know just how many people
enjoy their content.

Bad comments

Unfortunately, spammers have now started to use comments as a
way to spam. How do you know what a spam comment is? Well, a
spam comment is a comment that only advertises another site or
product. If the comment seems bland/generic with a cheap link
thrown in, then it’s definitely a spam comment.

Here is an example of a typical spam comment:

“Hey, this site is really cool. Check out my really cool site at

Of course not all spam comments will be this blatant, but you
get the point.

Fortunately for bloggers, as spam comments have grown, so has
the ways to prevent it. Here are a couple ways that you can
prevent spam comments from even being posted on your blog.

#1: Close off commenting on older blog posts

There are options for you to stop comments from being posted on
any particular blog post. Lots of times, spammers will post
comments in weeks or months old posts. So take away this
opportunity from them to keep it from happening. Most blog
hosters now offer this as a standard option in the tool panel.
If one of your posts has been up for a couple weeks, close it

#2: Take advantage of software offered to prevent comment spam

If you host your own blog using WordPress, you can use an option
in that software to prevent spam. Even if you aren’t using
WordPress, you can still use other Spam comment blocking
software like Spam Karma, Akismet, and Bad Behavior. While these
aren’t 100% effective, they have proven to be quite effective in
preventing spam from happening.

#3: Take a look at your settings and see what can be tweaked to
toughen your protection

Lots of blogs now have settings to help prevent spam. If you
already have a spam blocker on in your blog and are still
experiencing spam, take a closer look at the settings to see if
there’s anything that can be tweaked to make your protection
stronger. However, if you do this, you should closely monitor
your posts to make sure legit comments aren’t being blocked out.
If they are, you might have to lighten up a bit.

#4: Regularly read your blog comments

Be sure to keep an eye on your comments. Even the best software
or setting can’t prevent everything, so you will have to
occasionally manually remove comments on your own.

By applying the above principles, you can ensure that your blog
is full of only good, quality comments, which will help your
credibility tremendously.

Comments are a great form of communication between yourself
and your readers. They help the credibility of your blog!

If you are considering using Google Pay-Per-Click Ads to promote your blog check out this web site http://rowner.freegoogle.hop.clickbank.net/

Len Hutton

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cashing in by Blogging

Believe it or not, but it’s actually possible to make money from
blogging. One teenager has, in fact, earned $5,000 a month just
from making posts on his blog! Of course, not every blogger is
this lucky. It does take some skill, and some luck to make money
from blogging. What it also takes is some knowledge of how
exactly to generate income just by posting blogs. In this
newsletter, we will go over three specific methods of making
money on your blog: Adsense, Pay Per Lead, and Affiliate Links.

So how exactly do I make money on my blog?

You do it by working with another company that wants to use your
blog as a form of advertising. It sounds like selling out,
right? Not exactly. The advertising can be as in your face or
subtle as you want. And it can still make you money, provided
you have enough visitors to your blog.

What is Adsense?

Adsense is a program offered by Google. The program, if
installed, will display ads provided by Google.

How do I get Adsense?

You’ll need to go to Google.com, first. At the bottom of the
screen is a link for “Advertising Programs”. Click on that. Then
click on the link for “Adsense”. Scroll down on the page that
comes up and click “Click Here To Apply!” You then fill out the
form with information about yourself. After 12-48 hours, Google
will notify you via email whether or not your site has been
accepted. When you’ve been accepted, set up your ads by doing
either of the following:

1.If your blog is hosted on Blogger.com, you can set up your
AdSense ads by going to your profile, selecting
settings>template>add an element. Then select AdSense and login
with your account info. Next, you’ll configure your ads and save
the template. That’s it.
2.If you are self-hosting your blog, you’ll have to set up
AdSense in more of a manual way. You’ll create your ads(which
can be as small or as tall as you want) and then copy the
HTML/Javascript code Google gives you. Then you’ll paste it into
your blog(on the left, right, or top of the screen).

For the first few days, the ads displayed by Google will be
Public Service Announcements. After the ads have been up a few
days, though, the ads will switch to ads that are relevant to
your blog.

How does Adsense work?

Every time a visitor clicks an Adsense ad, you get a little bit
of money(usually around 30-60 cents). The amount you get for
each ad clicked depends on the number of unique visitors you
receive on your blog. The more visitors, the more money that can
be earned.

Google will then send a check or pay you through Paypal once
you’ve made at least $100 from the ads.

It is important to remember that Google will penalize you if you
click your own ads, or if you ask visitors specifically to click
ads. So don’t do that!

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click is basically just like AdSense, except you don’t
just work with Google—you work with multiple companies.
BidVertiser is one such company you can sign up with to do Pay
Per Click advertising.

How do I get Pay Per Click

You sign up with a site like Bidvertiser and then follow their
instructions to set up the Pay Per Click ads on your site.

How does Pay Per Click work?

It works by paying you money each time someone clicks an ad that
you display. You won’t get paid for multiple clicks from the
same user in the same visitor, nor will you get paid for someone
simply visiting your site. You only get paid for legitimate

Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are basically links which people pay you for.
Companies will actually pay owners of popular blogs to post
links on their blog. You can do as much Affiliate linking as you

How do I get Affiliate Links?

You can get Affiliate links by searching for “Affiliate Link
Programs” on the internet. Once you find an Affiliate link
program that looks good to you, sign up for it. Then you can
follow their instructions for putting the link(s) on your blog.

How do Affiliate Links work?

Like the other two methods mentioned above, Affiliate links work
by paying you money each time they are clicked. You get paid for
each click per unique visitor.

So that’s it. There’s three legitimate ways to make money from
blogging. It is important to keep in mind that the amount of
money you are able to make depends on how many visitors your
blog draws. If you draw a lot, you’ll make a lot. If not, the
money you earn will be modest. But it’s still extra money, so
why not do it?

Making money using Adsense, Pay Per Click or Affiliate Link
programs is easy and effective. Start monetizing your blog

If you are considering using Google Pay-Per-Click Ads to promote your blog check out this web site http://rowner.freegoogle.hop.clickbank.net/

Len Hutton

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pinging Tricks

You’re a blogger and are constantly hearing about pinging. The
thing is, you don't know what it is and what it can do for your
blog. Well that's fine because a lot of bloggers don't quite
understand pinging. In this newsletter, we will explain what
pinging is, how it helps your blog, and what the best pinging
services are. After you've read this newsletter, you'll know
exactly how to use pinging to make your blog popular.

What is pinging?

When a blog is pinged, it essentially tells a web blog tracking
system that the blog has been updated. Thus, pinging is the
process of telling tracking services that a site has been

So how does pinging work? Well, a ping service scans regularly
blogs for updates. Whenever there is a new update for a
particular blog, that is reported back to the pinging service’s
site. You can almost think of ping services being just like
search engine spiders—both scan sites looking for information,
and both report that information back to their specific site.
The difference is, a ping service only reports back new blog

Why is pinging useful for my blog?

Pinging, in effect, tells people that there is a new blog
posting available. Those who are loyal followers of your blog
will see the ping and want to visit your blog. Those who haven’t
read your blog before will see the ping and perhaps think “hey,
there’s a new blog I haven’t been to before, I think I’ll check
it out”. Pinging helps to increase your traffic because it tells
people when your blog is updated. Those who visit sites with
pinging services will see this information in the form of a
scroll on the left or right side, or top of the page. The scroll
is usually in XML format and typically includes the title and
URL of your blog, as well as the date and time of the update.

OK, so now I know what pinging is. Who offers pinging?

The answer is, there are several pinging services available
which you can use to have your blog pinged. We’ll go over some
of them right now.
Weblogs.com is probably the most well-known pinging service.
Weblogs.com monitors sites for updates and then pings whenever
there is an update to report. Virtually every blog software is
available to use Weblogs.

Yahoo’s Blo.gs

Another popular pinging service. This one is offered by Yahoo
and has a built-in integration with movable type and other
tools. One cool thing about this service is that it offers the
ability to give out updates via Instant Messenging services like
AOL and ICQ. It is a direct pinging service, so those who sign
up for subscriptions to your blog will be sent an email anytime
your blog is updated.


Blogrolling allows its bloggers to manage their
blogrolls(updates) through a web-based interface. Recently
updated blogs are also highlighted on Blogrolling’s web site.
Data is automatically retrieved from other sites like
blogger.com and weblogs.com every 5 minutes. Often times your
blog is already being pinged by Blogrolling, so you might not
have to sign up for it. Search on the site first for your URL
before signing it up.


Available at http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping, Technorati is
another service that pings blogs. It gets its data from a
variety of places and is definitely a site you should go to for
blog pinging.

These are just 4 of the many different blog pinging services
available. A quick search on Yahoo or Google will reveal many
other possible blog pinging services to use for your blog. It is
best to sign up for as many as you possibly can to ensure that
your blog is well-pinged. A well-pinged blog will definitely
help your blog attract more visitors. So sign up for as many as
possible and watch your blog traffic increase.

Pinging tells people when your blog is updated. It is an
incredibly useful, and easy to sign up for service, so be sure
to sign your blog up for pinging!

If you are considering using Google Pay-Per-Click Ads to promote your blog check out this web site http://rowner.freegoogle.hop.clickbank.net/

Len Hutton

Monday, February 4, 2008

Remote Blog or Self Hosted Blog?

So you’ve decided to blog, but aren’t sure whether you should
host the blog yourself or sign up for a free service like
blogger.com. It’s a dilemma that many bloggers face. There are
pros and cons to both, which makes the decision difficult for
many. Neither is perfect, and neither is for everyone.
Fortunately, you should be able to make the best decision for
you if you are armed with adequate knowledge of both. In this
newsletter, we’ll go over services like blogger.com and others,
plus software that allows you to host your own blog. We’ll also
go over the pros and cons of each. After reading this, you will
know which is best for you.

Who offers free blog hosting?

Many sites offer free blog hosting. Among them are Forumer,
Blogger, BlogEasy, Aeonity, BlogThing and Blogates. A quick
search for “free blog” on Google reveals many possibilities.

What software can I use to host my own blog?

Like free blog hosting, there are many possibilities for
software that makes hosting your own blog easy. Most of them are
free to use. These include:

WordPress(the most popular software)
Apache Roller

There is also blog software which you can purchase for use on
your site. These include:

Community Server
Movable Type
Radio UserLand

One negative about using software and hosting your own blog is
that the process can often times be complicated. You have to
download the software and install it to your server, which
doesn’t always go easily. It’s particularly hard for those who
don’t have a lot of experience installing things on servers.

Why should I remotely host my blog at a place like Blogger?

Places like Blogger allow you to host your blog there. It’s a
good option for many people.

The Pros

• It’s easy to set up and maintain a blog. You don’t have to go
through the trouble of installing software and configuring it to
work on your server. All you have to do is sign up for an
account and start posting.
• It’s friendly for beginning bloggers. Sites that host blogs
offer good tutorials on how to make your blog postings, so that
even someone who is completely new to the concept of blogging
can do it easily.
• Most blog hosting sites are completely free to use. There is
no need to pay for things like a domain name and hosting.
• Monetizing your blog is easy. Rather than having to manually
put HTML/Javascript codes on your blog to manually set up things
like AdSense and Pay Per Click advertising, you can select an
option on most blog hosting sites that does much of the work for

The Cons

• You don’t have as many options to customize your blog.
Remotely hosted blogs are admittedly somewhat limited in terms
of what you can actually do on them. You have to stick with what
is provided to you in terms of look and features.
• The URL you get is always yourname.BLOGSITE.com. You don’t get
to have a custom domain name like YOURNAME.com. This can
possibly hurt traffic to your blog.
• Blogs hosted on free blog sites don’t look as professional as
self hosted blogs.

Why should I self-host my blog?

The Pros

• You have more options and more flexibility. You are able to
tweak the blog to your liking.
• Your URL is your address for your blog. Rather than having go
to where your blog is hosted to read it, they can read it right
from your site.
• The ability to make your blog look professional. Blogs that
are hosted on sites of their own tend to look a lot better than
those hosted on free sites.
• More space for your blog. Free blog sites usually place a
restriction on how much space you have for things like photos
and music. By hosting your own blog, you are able to use as much
space as you need.
The Cons

• There are sometimes problems with setting up blog software to
run on your site and server. If you aren’t experienced when it
comes to working with mySQL, the process will be hard.
• Updates aren’t as easy to post.
• You have to manually set up programs to monetize your blog.
However, if you are good with HTML/Javascript, this shouldn’t be
too hard.
• You have to pay for your own hosting and domain

As you can see, there are pros and cons to both. Which should
you choose? Well, it depends on who you are and what you intend
to use your blog for. If you intend to use it for business, then
a self-hosted blog is the best idea. If it’s a personal blog,
then a free hosted blog will probably be fine for you.

Closely examine all of the pros and cons mentioned above.
That way, you’ll be able to make the best decision for you!

If you are considering using Google Pay-Per-Click Ads to promote your blog check out this web site http://rowner.freegoogle.hop.clickbank.net/

Len Hutton