Title and Meta Tags can be quite helpful—and effective—to
gaining more visitors to your site. However, they are only as
effective as you make them. Proper use of meta and title tags is
absolutely essential to making them a good thing for your site.
In this newsletter, we will go over the basics of title & meta
tags—using proper keywords, writing good meta tag descriptions,
and using the title tag effectively.
The basics to creating good meta tags
It is best to plot out how you’ll use meta tags on a particular
page before even writing the content for the page. Lots of
people will write the content of the page and then try to
sprinkle in keywords in the meta tags. This is an ineffective
way of doing things, as it usually makes your page confusing to
Before writing content, take a minute to pick out 3-4 primary
keywords. Then take another minute to write phrases from those
words. Once you’ve done that, you can begin writing your content
around the keywords.
How do I select proper keywords to enter into the meta tags?
This is an excellent question. Really, there are two main rules
of thumb for selecting proper keywords.
#1: Base your keywords off of the content of your site.
For instance, if you are running a digital photography site,
your keywords could be digital, photographs, photography etc.
You’ll want to steer clear of silly keywords that don’t relate
to your site. These would include keywords completely irrelevant
to your site.
#2: Make sure your keywords can flow naturally throughout the
content of your site.
Try to pick words that you can easily incorporate into the
content of your site and that make sense. You must remember that
actual people are reading your site—the content(and keywords)
MUST make sense to not only search engines, but also to the
people who visit your site. Thus, the keywords you choose must
fit the content of your site perfectly.
How do I write a good description tag?
What description tags essentially do is briefly inform the
search bot/web crawler what a site is about. Therefore, to write
a good description tag, you must be able to write a good, brief
description of what your site is about. It is important to note
that you are limited to 200 characters or less in the
description tag so be as concise as possible.
Let’s use the photography example again. Your site is based on
digital photography. So your description tag should say that
your site is related to digital photography.
Example description tag: “Digital photography site, digital
photos, buy digital photos, print digital photos”.
The search engine bot/web crawler will see this and will place
the site in relevant search results. So if someone searches for
digital photos, they should see your site somewhere on the list.
The same principle can be applied to any and every site. Good
description tags are as simple as a good, concise description of
what your site is about.
How to use the Title tag Effectively.
There are some misconceptions about Title tags. People have said
in the past(and some still do today) that a good, effective
Title tag consists of keywords. However, this is just not true.
Every good title tag consists of two things—the name of the site
and a brief description of what is on the site.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Title tag is also the
title of your listing in any search engine. Why would you want
your title listing to consist of keywords? It won’t help your
site at all—it will actually hurt it because people are less
likely to take the site seriously due to silly keywords. Another
thing worth noting is that the Title tag should never be more
than 80 characters. Generally speaking, the briefer the Title
tag is, the better. So strive to be concise!
So what is a good, effective Title tag? Well, a good, effective
Title tag should first have the name of your web site (so if
it’s www.digitalphotography.com, it should be “Digital
Photography”) and then a short description of the site. In this
example, you could put “Digital Photography – Buy and Print
Digital Photos Here”. This is both an accurate and effective
Title tag for this particular site. Apply this principle to your
site and you will have a good and effective Title tag.
Meta tags and titles are incredibly useful to your site.
Master the above techniques and you will be able to create
effective meta tags and titles that will help your site earn a
higher search engine ranking and more visitors!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
What Spiders Do...
Search engine spiders are by far one of the most useful things
to come around in the last 10 years of the internet. They are
useful not only to the web sites(Google and many others) that
use them, but also to people who are searching for a particular
site and those who run web sites. Spiders allow your site to be
seen by the millions of people who use search engines every day.
In this newsletter, we will discuss what search engine spiders
do, how they work, and how to set up a robots.txt file and
upload that to your site to keep spiders from visiting your
What are spiders and what purpose do they serve?
Spiders are essentially programs that “crawl” sites and report
back to their superior(Google or whatever search engine they
were created for) what their findings are. Their purpose is to
make it easy for sites to get listed in search engines.
You might be wondering, what does it mean to “crawl” a site?
Well it means to visit and site and copy the information.
How do spiders work?
Spiders work by finding links to web sites, visiting those web
sites, going through the content of a web site and then
reporting the content of the site back to the database of the
site which they are working for. Google spiders, thus, crawl
sites and report the information back to Google’s database. From
there, the information is added to Google’s search engine, and
the site then shows up in Google search results. Much the same
process happens with any other search engine spider.
How can I keep spiders from visiting my site?
You might be thinking, “why would I want to keep such a useful
thing from visiting my site?” Well, the short answer is,
sometimes site owners don’t want the spider to crawl on a
particular part of their site. Some site owners don’t want
spiders to crawl their site at all. The reasons for not wanting
a spider to crawl a site or a particular part of a site vary,
although most of the time it is because the site is either
completely spam or features a page or two of spam.
If you’re one of those site owners, then you’ll want to create
and upload something called a robots.txt file. We will briefly
go over how to do this.
A robots.txt file
The whole purpose of a robots.txt file is to tell a search
engine spider not to crawl the site or part of the site on which
the robots.txt file resides.
Creating the file
Creating a robots.txt file that blocks out spiders is easy.
First, open up notepad. Then, copy and paste the following:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Once you’ve done that, save the file as “robots” and as a .txt
Uploading the file
Next, you will upload the file to the part of your site which
you do not want the spider to visit. So, if you don’t want them
to visit yoursite.com/news/, you’ll upload robots.txt to the
news folder. If you don’t want the search engine spider to visit
your site as well, upload robots.txt to your index folder.
That’s all there is to it.
Using the robots.txt file to make sure search engine spiders DO
visit your site
Believe it or not, the robots.txt file can be used to both
disallow and allow search engine spiders to crawl your site.
Here’s how to create and upload such a file.
Creating the file
Open up notepad and copy and paste in the following:
User-agent: *
You’ll notice that the only difference between this and the
earlier example is that Disallow: is not followed with /. If it
were, that would tell spiders to go away. Once again, save the
file as robots.txt.
Uploading the file
All you’ll do is upload the robots.txt file to the part of your
site that you want the robot to pay a visit to. So if you want
the robot to see the whole site, just put the robots.txt file
right alongside the index file. And you’re done.
Creating and uploading a robots.txt file to help make sure
spiders don’t miss your site is fast and easy. So what are you
waiting for? Create and upload that file now!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at http://www.nicheresidualincomes.com/
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Make sure your keywords can flow naturally throughout the
content of your site.
to come around in the last 10 years of the internet. They are
useful not only to the web sites(Google and many others) that
use them, but also to people who are searching for a particular
site and those who run web sites. Spiders allow your site to be
seen by the millions of people who use search engines every day.
In this newsletter, we will discuss what search engine spiders
do, how they work, and how to set up a robots.txt file and
upload that to your site to keep spiders from visiting your
What are spiders and what purpose do they serve?
Spiders are essentially programs that “crawl” sites and report
back to their superior(Google or whatever search engine they
were created for) what their findings are. Their purpose is to
make it easy for sites to get listed in search engines.
You might be wondering, what does it mean to “crawl” a site?
Well it means to visit and site and copy the information.
How do spiders work?
Spiders work by finding links to web sites, visiting those web
sites, going through the content of a web site and then
reporting the content of the site back to the database of the
site which they are working for. Google spiders, thus, crawl
sites and report the information back to Google’s database. From
there, the information is added to Google’s search engine, and
the site then shows up in Google search results. Much the same
process happens with any other search engine spider.
How can I keep spiders from visiting my site?
You might be thinking, “why would I want to keep such a useful
thing from visiting my site?” Well, the short answer is,
sometimes site owners don’t want the spider to crawl on a
particular part of their site. Some site owners don’t want
spiders to crawl their site at all. The reasons for not wanting
a spider to crawl a site or a particular part of a site vary,
although most of the time it is because the site is either
completely spam or features a page or two of spam.
If you’re one of those site owners, then you’ll want to create
and upload something called a robots.txt file. We will briefly
go over how to do this.
A robots.txt file
The whole purpose of a robots.txt file is to tell a search
engine spider not to crawl the site or part of the site on which
the robots.txt file resides.
Creating the file
Creating a robots.txt file that blocks out spiders is easy.
First, open up notepad. Then, copy and paste the following:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Once you’ve done that, save the file as “robots” and as a .txt
Uploading the file
Next, you will upload the file to the part of your site which
you do not want the spider to visit. So, if you don’t want them
to visit yoursite.com/news/, you’ll upload robots.txt to the
news folder. If you don’t want the search engine spider to visit
your site as well, upload robots.txt to your index folder.
That’s all there is to it.
Using the robots.txt file to make sure search engine spiders DO
visit your site
Believe it or not, the robots.txt file can be used to both
disallow and allow search engine spiders to crawl your site.
Here’s how to create and upload such a file.
Creating the file
Open up notepad and copy and paste in the following:
User-agent: *
You’ll notice that the only difference between this and the
earlier example is that Disallow: is not followed with /. If it
were, that would tell spiders to go away. Once again, save the
file as robots.txt.
Uploading the file
All you’ll do is upload the robots.txt file to the part of your
site that you want the robot to pay a visit to. So if you want
the robot to see the whole site, just put the robots.txt file
right alongside the index file. And you’re done.
Creating and uploading a robots.txt file to help make sure
spiders don’t miss your site is fast and easy. So what are you
waiting for? Create and upload that file now!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at http://www.nicheresidualincomes.com/
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Make sure your keywords can flow naturally throughout the
content of your site.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Submissions & Resubmissions
Sometimes, search engine spiders don’t visit your site even
after it has been up for a month or too. Or sometimes the site
is listed on a search engine, but then taken down. In either
case, it is time for the web site owner to submit or re-submit
the site to a search engine. This process isn’t overly
difficult, but there are some guidelines web site owners should
follow in order to ensure success. We’ll be going over where you
can submit sites, how to submit sites and how to re-submit
Where can I submit my site to?
There are literally hundreds of different search engines which
you can submit your site to. We’ll go over just 5 of the most
popular ones here.
Google is definitely the most popular search engine around, as
it is used by millions of people each day. You won’t usually
have to manually submit sites to Google, as their spiders are
pretty good about finding new sites. However, you occasionally
will have to do this. It’s pretty easy and we’ll go over the
process later in this newsletter.
Yahoo Search Engine
The second most used search engine around, the Yahoo! Search
engine is pretty easy to use and has lots of good features. It
is easy to submit to.
This is an easy to use search engine with lots of the same
features Google has. Again, usually you don’t have to manually
submit sites here, but sometimes you do. Luckily it’s easy, fast
and effective.
This is yet another popular search engine with quite a few
features. Lots of people use this search engine, so it’s
definitely worth it to submit your site.
While not as popular as it once was, Altavista still receives
many of visitors seeking to use the search engine. It’s a good
idea to submit your site to Altavista.
One thing to keep in mind is that you should submit your site
not just to the well-known search engines, but also to the
smaller ones as well. The more your site is listed, the more
visitors you are likely to get.
How do I submit sites?
Submitting sites to search engines is really easy. You’ll just
go to the search engine’s site, click on “Submit a site” and
then fill out the necessary info about your site. There are some
things you should keep in mind, though. Here’s a short list for
1. Don’t brag too much about your site. Remember that people are
reading your submissions and approving them. If they see “this
is the best site ever!” in your site’s description, they
probably won’t be impressed. In fact, it might even keep them
from approving your site. Be modest.
2. Provide an accurate description of your site. If your site is
about sports, for example, talk about what sports your site
3. Make your description as concise as possible. People who are
looking at your submission don’t have time to read through a
big, long description.
4. Don’t submit or re-submit your site if all pages aren’t
complete. Search engines don’t like incomplete sites, so it is
pointless to take the time to fill out the form for submission
if your site isn’t completely finished.
With that having been said, here are some quick links to search
engines which you can submit your site to:
Google: http://www.google.com/addurl/
Yahoo Search Engine:
Lycos: http://www.lycos.com/
AllTheWeb: http://www.alltheweb.com/help/webmaster/submit_site
AltaVista: http://www.altavista.com/addurl/default
How to Re-submit sites
Before you try to re-submit a site, take the following into
1. Has it been at least a few weeks since you originally
submitted the url?
2. Was your site pulled from the search engine because it had
content on it that was deemed inappropriate? If so, you should
reconsider re-submitting your site, as it will only get pulled
again if it has bad content on it.
If it has been several weeks since you submitted your site, or
you believe your site was pulled from the listings accidentally,
then you should re-submit the site. To re-submit the site, all
you have to do is follow the same process as you did when you
submitted the site before.
Search engine submission is fast and easy. If your site
isn’t listed on the search engines, take a minute to manually
submit it. It’ll help boost your traffic!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
after it has been up for a month or too. Or sometimes the site
is listed on a search engine, but then taken down. In either
case, it is time for the web site owner to submit or re-submit
the site to a search engine. This process isn’t overly
difficult, but there are some guidelines web site owners should
follow in order to ensure success. We’ll be going over where you
can submit sites, how to submit sites and how to re-submit
Where can I submit my site to?
There are literally hundreds of different search engines which
you can submit your site to. We’ll go over just 5 of the most
popular ones here.
Google is definitely the most popular search engine around, as
it is used by millions of people each day. You won’t usually
have to manually submit sites to Google, as their spiders are
pretty good about finding new sites. However, you occasionally
will have to do this. It’s pretty easy and we’ll go over the
process later in this newsletter.
Yahoo Search Engine
The second most used search engine around, the Yahoo! Search
engine is pretty easy to use and has lots of good features. It
is easy to submit to.
This is an easy to use search engine with lots of the same
features Google has. Again, usually you don’t have to manually
submit sites here, but sometimes you do. Luckily it’s easy, fast
and effective.
This is yet another popular search engine with quite a few
features. Lots of people use this search engine, so it’s
definitely worth it to submit your site.
While not as popular as it once was, Altavista still receives
many of visitors seeking to use the search engine. It’s a good
idea to submit your site to Altavista.
One thing to keep in mind is that you should submit your site
not just to the well-known search engines, but also to the
smaller ones as well. The more your site is listed, the more
visitors you are likely to get.
How do I submit sites?
Submitting sites to search engines is really easy. You’ll just
go to the search engine’s site, click on “Submit a site” and
then fill out the necessary info about your site. There are some
things you should keep in mind, though. Here’s a short list for
1. Don’t brag too much about your site. Remember that people are
reading your submissions and approving them. If they see “this
is the best site ever!” in your site’s description, they
probably won’t be impressed. In fact, it might even keep them
from approving your site. Be modest.
2. Provide an accurate description of your site. If your site is
about sports, for example, talk about what sports your site
3. Make your description as concise as possible. People who are
looking at your submission don’t have time to read through a
big, long description.
4. Don’t submit or re-submit your site if all pages aren’t
complete. Search engines don’t like incomplete sites, so it is
pointless to take the time to fill out the form for submission
if your site isn’t completely finished.
With that having been said, here are some quick links to search
engines which you can submit your site to:
Google: http://www.google.com/addurl/
Yahoo Search Engine:
Lycos: http://www.lycos.com/
AllTheWeb: http://www.alltheweb.com/help/webmaster/submit_site
AltaVista: http://www.altavista.com/addurl/default
How to Re-submit sites
Before you try to re-submit a site, take the following into
1. Has it been at least a few weeks since you originally
submitted the url?
2. Was your site pulled from the search engine because it had
content on it that was deemed inappropriate? If so, you should
reconsider re-submitting your site, as it will only get pulled
again if it has bad content on it.
If it has been several weeks since you submitted your site, or
you believe your site was pulled from the listings accidentally,
then you should re-submit the site. To re-submit the site, all
you have to do is follow the same process as you did when you
submitted the site before.
Search engine submission is fast and easy. If your site
isn’t listed on the search engines, take a minute to manually
submit it. It’ll help boost your traffic!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Search Engine or Directory?
Getting your site listed in search engines and directories is an
important part of building a successful site. Most people tend
to think of search directories and engines as one in the same.
However, they are actually both quite different. The only
similarity between the two, in fact, is that they both serve the
same purpose: to help people find web sites of interest to them.
In this newsletter, we will talk about the various search
engines and directories, what their differences are, and why
each is essential to delivering traffic to your site.
Search Engines:
By far the most popular search engine around is Google. Other
search engines include Inktomi, AltaVista, AlltheWeb, and MSN.
Probably the most popular example of a directory is Yahoo. Other
directories include Open Directory Project (dmoz.org) and
The Differences between Search Engines and Directories
Difference #1: Search engines are run by robots; directories are
run by human editors
The most notable difference between search engines and
directories is that search engines aren’t updated by human
editors like directories are. Instead, search engines are
updated bi-monthly or monthly by robots—spiders and crawlers.
What are spiders and crawlers? They are programs written by
programmers at a particular search engine that basically locate
a page, browse it, and then report whatever it finds back to the
search engine’s database. What is found is then listed on the
search engine.
Directories, on the other hand, are completely updated by human
editors. What usually happens is that a person submits their
site to the directory and then the editor will visit the site
and see whether or not it is worthy of being listed in the
directory. If it is, it will be grouped with other relevant
sites in the directory. If not, it won’t be listed at all.
Directories are typically harder to get listed in than search
engines are for this reason. Human editors won’t allow in
unworthy sites; search engine bots will. Directories are usually
updated very frequently by the editors.
Difference #2: Search engines are free to get listed in; some
directories are not
Many directories charge money for each submission. Search
engines never charge a dime because their bots are solely
responsible for listing web sites. There are, however, free
directories which you can submit your site to.
Difference #3: Search engines are more popular and more used
People want convenience. Search engines offer this. All people
have to do is type in a keyword into the search engine and
relevant sites come up. Those who use directories have to go
through the hassle of going through categories and
sub-categories. This takes time and patience, both things that
many busy people just don’t have.
Difference #4: Directories have listings grouped together by
topic; search engines can sometimes be disorganized
When someone visits a directory, all they have to do is choose a
category that interests them. Then, all the sites are relevant
to that category will come up on the page. While search engines
are usually effective, unrelated listings can sometimes come up
in a search for a particular thing. There’s nothing worse than
doing a search for cars and having an unrelated listing for cats
come up. Unfortunately, this is occasionally the case with
search engines because they are updated by robots, not humans.
Why are Search engines and Directories important to your site?
There are a few reasons for why both are important to your
site’s traffic. The most obvious reason is that the more you are
listed, the more likely it is people will visit your site. If
people see your site in both search engines and directories,
they are more likely to visit it than if they just saw it in a
search engine.
Even though directories aren’t as popular now, they are still
well-used by people because they neatly group together sites in
a particular category. So if you run an online web design
business and are listed in the web design category of the
directory, everyone who looks for web design in that directory
will see your site.
Search engines are also important to your site because they will
show your site if a particular keyword(s) is typed into the
engine. If your site is listed in both directories and search
engines, you will have more traffic than if your site were
listed in one or the other.
Be sure to do whatever it takes to ensure that your site gets
listed in both and you will reap the benefits.
Search engine bots and easy directory submission make it
quick and painless for your site to get maximum exposure from
both of these wonderful tools. So go ahead and take the steps
necessary to get listed!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
important part of building a successful site. Most people tend
to think of search directories and engines as one in the same.
However, they are actually both quite different. The only
similarity between the two, in fact, is that they both serve the
same purpose: to help people find web sites of interest to them.
In this newsletter, we will talk about the various search
engines and directories, what their differences are, and why
each is essential to delivering traffic to your site.
Search Engines:
By far the most popular search engine around is Google. Other
search engines include Inktomi, AltaVista, AlltheWeb, and MSN.
Probably the most popular example of a directory is Yahoo. Other
directories include Open Directory Project (dmoz.org) and
The Differences between Search Engines and Directories
Difference #1: Search engines are run by robots; directories are
run by human editors
The most notable difference between search engines and
directories is that search engines aren’t updated by human
editors like directories are. Instead, search engines are
updated bi-monthly or monthly by robots—spiders and crawlers.
What are spiders and crawlers? They are programs written by
programmers at a particular search engine that basically locate
a page, browse it, and then report whatever it finds back to the
search engine’s database. What is found is then listed on the
search engine.
Directories, on the other hand, are completely updated by human
editors. What usually happens is that a person submits their
site to the directory and then the editor will visit the site
and see whether or not it is worthy of being listed in the
directory. If it is, it will be grouped with other relevant
sites in the directory. If not, it won’t be listed at all.
Directories are typically harder to get listed in than search
engines are for this reason. Human editors won’t allow in
unworthy sites; search engine bots will. Directories are usually
updated very frequently by the editors.
Difference #2: Search engines are free to get listed in; some
directories are not
Many directories charge money for each submission. Search
engines never charge a dime because their bots are solely
responsible for listing web sites. There are, however, free
directories which you can submit your site to.
Difference #3: Search engines are more popular and more used
People want convenience. Search engines offer this. All people
have to do is type in a keyword into the search engine and
relevant sites come up. Those who use directories have to go
through the hassle of going through categories and
sub-categories. This takes time and patience, both things that
many busy people just don’t have.
Difference #4: Directories have listings grouped together by
topic; search engines can sometimes be disorganized
When someone visits a directory, all they have to do is choose a
category that interests them. Then, all the sites are relevant
to that category will come up on the page. While search engines
are usually effective, unrelated listings can sometimes come up
in a search for a particular thing. There’s nothing worse than
doing a search for cars and having an unrelated listing for cats
come up. Unfortunately, this is occasionally the case with
search engines because they are updated by robots, not humans.
Why are Search engines and Directories important to your site?
There are a few reasons for why both are important to your
site’s traffic. The most obvious reason is that the more you are
listed, the more likely it is people will visit your site. If
people see your site in both search engines and directories,
they are more likely to visit it than if they just saw it in a
search engine.
Even though directories aren’t as popular now, they are still
well-used by people because they neatly group together sites in
a particular category. So if you run an online web design
business and are listed in the web design category of the
directory, everyone who looks for web design in that directory
will see your site.
Search engines are also important to your site because they will
show your site if a particular keyword(s) is typed into the
engine. If your site is listed in both directories and search
engines, you will have more traffic than if your site were
listed in one or the other.
Be sure to do whatever it takes to ensure that your site gets
listed in both and you will reap the benefits.
Search engine bots and easy directory submission make it
quick and painless for your site to get maximum exposure from
both of these wonderful tools. So go ahead and take the steps
necessary to get listed!
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Content Search Engines Love
One of the most important steps to take to ensure that your site
is successful is to have a site that is well-loved by search
engines. This is actually fairly easy to do—but also fairly easy
not to do. It is a known fact that well-placed keywords and
keyword phrases on a piece of content will attract search engine
spiders. It is also a well-known fact that keyword
stuffing—using keywords way too much—will repel spiders and stop
them from putting your site on a search engine.
So what is the delicate balance of having just the right amount
of keywords and keyword phrases? How do you achieve it? How do
you make sure you aren’t overusing keywords? In this newsletter,
we will go over all of the above to help make your site keyword
How do I write content that the search engines love?
The easy answer is to make sure your content has several
keywords. But how is this done in a natural way so not as to
hurt your traffic from actual human beings? Well, it all comes
down to naturally putting keywords into your content. We’ll
briefly go over this process.
#1: Sit down and decide what your content will be about
If your site is all about sports, figure out what kinds of
sports content you’ll put on there. Maybe you’ll write about
basketball or golf or football or any other sport. Or if you’re
running a music site, you could write content about a particular
style of music or band/artist. The point is, make sure that
whatever content you write is relevant to your site.
#2: Make a list of keywords that are relevant to your content
So if you’re writing a music article, these keywords could be:
Hip Hop
But try to narrow your list down to 2 or 3 keywords. The first
keyword should be a primary keyword(used at least 10 times in a
500 word document) and the other one or two should be secondary
keywords(used a few times each in a 500 word document).
#3: Begin writing the content.
As you write each sentence, try to think about where the primary
and secondary keywords might fit in. Wherever it seems natural,
use the keywords. However, you should never try to make them fit
where they don’t fit. If it looks unnatural, don’t use them.
#4: Read over the content.
When you read over the content, try to read it like a visitor
would. Do the keywords you’ve tried to incorporate in the text
distract you from the meaning of the content? Do the keywords
seem blatant? If they do, rewrite the content to make it flow
more naturally.
#5: Count the number of keywords and plain words
If you have a 500 word piece of content, you’ll want to see
around 5-15 primary keywords sprinkled throughout the content—a
keyword density of at least 1%, but ideally 3%. Keyword density
is the number of keywords divided by the total number of words.
A keyword density of 1% in a 500 word piece of content would be
5 keywords, while a keyword density of 3% in a 500 word piece of
content would be 15 keywords. Strive for 3%.
#6: If you don’t have enough keyword density, or have too much,
rewrite the content
Rewrite your content as necessary to have enough keyword
Why is keyword “stuffing” bad for my site?
It is bad for your site simply because search engine spiders
have been programmed to skip over sites with excessive keywords.
These would be sites with keyword densities of at least 10%.
Sites like these are known as spam sites—sites created
specifically to earn high rankings in a search engine due to
high keyword usage. Before, spam sites would be heavily ranked
in a search engine, but not anymore. Spiders are smarter than
ever, able to detect spam sites from a mile away.
That’s why keyword stuffing is a bad thing for your site—it will
actually keep spiders from visiting. Make sure you do not have a
keyword density of much more than 5%. Even 5% is considered too
Keeping the above things in mind will help you to build a site
that search engine spiders love.
Creating and maintaining a site with content that search
engine spiders love is easy as long as you follow the guidelines!
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http:// www.nicheresidualincomes.com/lightningcash.htm
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
is successful is to have a site that is well-loved by search
engines. This is actually fairly easy to do—but also fairly easy
not to do. It is a known fact that well-placed keywords and
keyword phrases on a piece of content will attract search engine
spiders. It is also a well-known fact that keyword
stuffing—using keywords way too much—will repel spiders and stop
them from putting your site on a search engine.
So what is the delicate balance of having just the right amount
of keywords and keyword phrases? How do you achieve it? How do
you make sure you aren’t overusing keywords? In this newsletter,
we will go over all of the above to help make your site keyword
How do I write content that the search engines love?
The easy answer is to make sure your content has several
keywords. But how is this done in a natural way so not as to
hurt your traffic from actual human beings? Well, it all comes
down to naturally putting keywords into your content. We’ll
briefly go over this process.
#1: Sit down and decide what your content will be about
If your site is all about sports, figure out what kinds of
sports content you’ll put on there. Maybe you’ll write about
basketball or golf or football or any other sport. Or if you’re
running a music site, you could write content about a particular
style of music or band/artist. The point is, make sure that
whatever content you write is relevant to your site.
#2: Make a list of keywords that are relevant to your content
So if you’re writing a music article, these keywords could be:
Hip Hop
But try to narrow your list down to 2 or 3 keywords. The first
keyword should be a primary keyword(used at least 10 times in a
500 word document) and the other one or two should be secondary
keywords(used a few times each in a 500 word document).
#3: Begin writing the content.
As you write each sentence, try to think about where the primary
and secondary keywords might fit in. Wherever it seems natural,
use the keywords. However, you should never try to make them fit
where they don’t fit. If it looks unnatural, don’t use them.
#4: Read over the content.
When you read over the content, try to read it like a visitor
would. Do the keywords you’ve tried to incorporate in the text
distract you from the meaning of the content? Do the keywords
seem blatant? If they do, rewrite the content to make it flow
more naturally.
#5: Count the number of keywords and plain words
If you have a 500 word piece of content, you’ll want to see
around 5-15 primary keywords sprinkled throughout the content—a
keyword density of at least 1%, but ideally 3%. Keyword density
is the number of keywords divided by the total number of words.
A keyword density of 1% in a 500 word piece of content would be
5 keywords, while a keyword density of 3% in a 500 word piece of
content would be 15 keywords. Strive for 3%.
#6: If you don’t have enough keyword density, or have too much,
rewrite the content
Rewrite your content as necessary to have enough keyword
Why is keyword “stuffing” bad for my site?
It is bad for your site simply because search engine spiders
have been programmed to skip over sites with excessive keywords.
These would be sites with keyword densities of at least 10%.
Sites like these are known as spam sites—sites created
specifically to earn high rankings in a search engine due to
high keyword usage. Before, spam sites would be heavily ranked
in a search engine, but not anymore. Spiders are smarter than
ever, able to detect spam sites from a mile away.
That’s why keyword stuffing is a bad thing for your site—it will
actually keep spiders from visiting. Make sure you do not have a
keyword density of much more than 5%. Even 5% is considered too
Keeping the above things in mind will help you to build a site
that search engine spiders love.
Creating and maintaining a site with content that search
engine spiders love is easy as long as you follow the guidelines!
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http:// www.nicheresidualincomes.com/lightningcash.htm
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Email Marketing Tips
Using email is a great way to market and promote your e-commerce
business. With people being so busy and getting junk mail, how
do you make your email stand out? Here are some helpful tips to
get you the most benefits from this effective marketing tool. It
is important to do some research and attempt to get your
marketing sent to a target market that will likely be interested
in the products or services you are offering.
Some companies randomly send emails to people who have
absolutely no interest in what is being advertised. You will get
a very low response from such marketing methods. If your website
asks for consumer information including an email address, but
respectful. Ask if they are interested in receiving e-mail
advertisements and promotions. If they choose not to then don’t
add them to your data base for marketing by email. Make sure you
have the permission of the consumer to send them such materials.
You are required by law to include an opt out link in the event
the consumer no longer wants to receive such emails from you.
Statistics show Tuesday and Wednesday are the most effective
days to send out marketing emails. Send them out in the morning
so that individuals have time to read them during breaks, lunch
hours, and in the early evening. You might have a lot of
information to pass on to the target market, but keep your email
short and to the point. Most internet users like to go through
their emails quickly. If yours is lengthy it may get deleted or
saved to be read later. You want the consumer to be able to read
it as soon as they click on it and get all the information. Make
sure you have hyperlinks that take consumers immediately to your
website if they are interested. Internet users are not patient.
Most will not wait longer than five seconds for your website to
It is important to test your marketing email in the various
email programs including Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail, and AOL because
they all work differently. Your graphics and pictures may be
distorted in particular email programs. This will result in all
those consumers not being able to use your marketing email as it
was intended. Taking the time to conduct these tests can make
the difference between an effective email marketing campaign and
one that is a flop.
How often do you want to send an email to your consumers? This
can be tricky to determine. It really depends on your products
or services and your target market. You want to keep your
business name fresh in the mind of the consumers but they will
stop reading the emails from you if they become too frequent.
Some businesses do them weekly or monthly. Others choose to only
send an email when there is a huge promotion going on. A
business newsletter is a great way to contact the consumer
monthly with fresh information. You also want to give consumers
a very simple way to change their email address as it is very
common to change email service providers.
You need to have an effective system set up to answer any
questions emailed to you from customers within 24 hours. This
will show your business is serious about keeping them satisfied
before, during, and after they make a purchase. Issues come up
and most consumers will give your business the opportunity to
help resolve the situation. This is your opportunity to prove
the integrity of your business.
Email marketing is a very effective and useful tool for
marketing your e-business. Taking the time to proceed with the
process after you have conducted some research to identify the
target market and following these effective email marketing tips
will provide you with the opportunity to generate the most
business from your marketing campaign. There is a great deal of
competition in the world of e-commerce and you will have to work
hard to be the best.
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
business. With people being so busy and getting junk mail, how
do you make your email stand out? Here are some helpful tips to
get you the most benefits from this effective marketing tool. It
is important to do some research and attempt to get your
marketing sent to a target market that will likely be interested
in the products or services you are offering.
Some companies randomly send emails to people who have
absolutely no interest in what is being advertised. You will get
a very low response from such marketing methods. If your website
asks for consumer information including an email address, but
respectful. Ask if they are interested in receiving e-mail
advertisements and promotions. If they choose not to then don’t
add them to your data base for marketing by email. Make sure you
have the permission of the consumer to send them such materials.
You are required by law to include an opt out link in the event
the consumer no longer wants to receive such emails from you.
Statistics show Tuesday and Wednesday are the most effective
days to send out marketing emails. Send them out in the morning
so that individuals have time to read them during breaks, lunch
hours, and in the early evening. You might have a lot of
information to pass on to the target market, but keep your email
short and to the point. Most internet users like to go through
their emails quickly. If yours is lengthy it may get deleted or
saved to be read later. You want the consumer to be able to read
it as soon as they click on it and get all the information. Make
sure you have hyperlinks that take consumers immediately to your
website if they are interested. Internet users are not patient.
Most will not wait longer than five seconds for your website to
It is important to test your marketing email in the various
email programs including Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail, and AOL because
they all work differently. Your graphics and pictures may be
distorted in particular email programs. This will result in all
those consumers not being able to use your marketing email as it
was intended. Taking the time to conduct these tests can make
the difference between an effective email marketing campaign and
one that is a flop.
How often do you want to send an email to your consumers? This
can be tricky to determine. It really depends on your products
or services and your target market. You want to keep your
business name fresh in the mind of the consumers but they will
stop reading the emails from you if they become too frequent.
Some businesses do them weekly or monthly. Others choose to only
send an email when there is a huge promotion going on. A
business newsletter is a great way to contact the consumer
monthly with fresh information. You also want to give consumers
a very simple way to change their email address as it is very
common to change email service providers.
You need to have an effective system set up to answer any
questions emailed to you from customers within 24 hours. This
will show your business is serious about keeping them satisfied
before, during, and after they make a purchase. Issues come up
and most consumers will give your business the opportunity to
help resolve the situation. This is your opportunity to prove
the integrity of your business.
Email marketing is a very effective and useful tool for
marketing your e-business. Taking the time to proceed with the
process after you have conducted some research to identify the
target market and following these effective email marketing tips
will provide you with the opportunity to generate the most
business from your marketing campaign. There is a great deal of
competition in the world of e-commerce and you will have to work
hard to be the best.
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
Befefits of Blogging
Blogging offers your business the oppertunity to be known by
millions of people. So if you’re looking for a surefire way to gain
customers and increase revenue, try business blogging!
What is a blog? You’ve heard talk about blogging but are
You one of those people who don’t quite understand what it is.
That’s alright, as we’ll go over what a blog is, the history of
blogs, what they are used for and why they are important to your
online business.
So what is a blog?
Essentially a blog is like a journal where people can post their
thoughts and have them read and commented on by anyone.
What is a blogger?
Someone who creates a blog and posts on it is known as blogger.
A brief history of blogs
Weblogs, now simply known as blogs, haven’t been around for that
long. The roots of the blog can be traced back to 1994 when
people kept online journals (diaries) in which they wrote about
things in their life.
Blogs as we know them have been around for an even shorter period of
time. In 1998, Open Diary created a site in which its users
could post blogs that had the ability to be commented on by
other people.
The popular free blogging site called Blogger was created in
1999 by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan. Blogger was later
purchased and now owned by Google since 2003.
In 2001, how-to-blog manuals were published and the phenomenon has only
taken off since that point, despite the fact that blog sites have been in existence since
1998, they have only been popular for 5 or 6 years.
What are weblogs used for?
Although in the very beginning, blogs were usually used to talk about a
person’s life. People would make blog posts about things
happening in their life, thus using the blog as a public
People began using the blog to post their opinions about everything from politics to
religion to sports to music, among other things. Over time, the use of the blog evolved
Nowadays, businesses have also begun to effectively use blogs
for their own purposes. Blogs are even used to make money—one 20-year-old
makes $5,000 from Google per month because he has Google Ads on
his blog.
Ok. So why are blogs important to your online business?
Those who have a blog are given a lot of exposure, millions of people from all over the world read blogs every day. There is the potential for them to have millions of unique readers each day.
Imagine having a million people see your business’ name
each day? That sounds pretty incredible, doesn’t it? Yet, that’s
exactly what could happen if you create and maintain a
successful, well-read blog. And that’s actually a pretty easy
thing to do.
How exactly can you use the blog to help your online
business? Well, you can use it in a variety of ways.
For instance you could:
• Use the blog to discuss things related to your field of
business. If your business provides web hosting
services, you could discuss things related to web hosting, thus
showing potential customers how much of a guru you are.
• The more active blogs that reference your
business, the more exposure you’ll get. Let your employers have their own blogs to talk about your services or products etc.
• Use your business blog to keep current customers updated about your
new services or products available.
• Post news information about your business, as well as start rumors about
potential happenings in your online business.
• Get feedback from potential and current customers on your
productsor or services. For instance, you could make a post on a new
product, giving details about it. Then ask your existing customers
or potential customers to give their opinion on it.
• Promote your online business on your blog by making blog posts
with information on your business new offers.
• You could also install Adsense on your blog and make extra revenue from ads
clicked, thereby helping your business to be more profitable.
Blogs that are hosted on your site (by using a program like
WordPress) can help your site achieve a higher ranking in search
engines. There are really a lot of possibilities to how you can use a
blog to help your business, even more than those listed here.
This is because blogs are search engine friendly (Google is known to list them after only a few days, whereas it takes regular web sites weeks to appear on a search engine).
Having a high search engine ranking is crucial to having a
successful online business. Blogs help you to increase your
ranking, which will increase your business.
The great thing about blogs is that they are easy to use and
also very effective. So why not start a blog today and watch your business’
notoriety grow.
Len Hutton
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
millions of people. So if you’re looking for a surefire way to gain
customers and increase revenue, try business blogging!
What is a blog? You’ve heard talk about blogging but are
You one of those people who don’t quite understand what it is.
That’s alright, as we’ll go over what a blog is, the history of
blogs, what they are used for and why they are important to your
online business.
So what is a blog?
Essentially a blog is like a journal where people can post their
thoughts and have them read and commented on by anyone.
What is a blogger?
Someone who creates a blog and posts on it is known as blogger.
A brief history of blogs
Weblogs, now simply known as blogs, haven’t been around for that
long. The roots of the blog can be traced back to 1994 when
people kept online journals (diaries) in which they wrote about
things in their life.
Blogs as we know them have been around for an even shorter period of
time. In 1998, Open Diary created a site in which its users
could post blogs that had the ability to be commented on by
other people.
The popular free blogging site called Blogger was created in
1999 by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan. Blogger was later
purchased and now owned by Google since 2003.
In 2001, how-to-blog manuals were published and the phenomenon has only
taken off since that point, despite the fact that blog sites have been in existence since
1998, they have only been popular for 5 or 6 years.
What are weblogs used for?
Although in the very beginning, blogs were usually used to talk about a
person’s life. People would make blog posts about things
happening in their life, thus using the blog as a public
People began using the blog to post their opinions about everything from politics to
religion to sports to music, among other things. Over time, the use of the blog evolved
Nowadays, businesses have also begun to effectively use blogs
for their own purposes. Blogs are even used to make money—one 20-year-old
makes $5,000 from Google per month because he has Google Ads on
his blog.
Ok. So why are blogs important to your online business?
Those who have a blog are given a lot of exposure, millions of people from all over the world read blogs every day. There is the potential for them to have millions of unique readers each day.
Imagine having a million people see your business’ name
each day? That sounds pretty incredible, doesn’t it? Yet, that’s
exactly what could happen if you create and maintain a
successful, well-read blog. And that’s actually a pretty easy
thing to do.
How exactly can you use the blog to help your online
business? Well, you can use it in a variety of ways.
For instance you could:
• Use the blog to discuss things related to your field of
business. If your business provides web hosting
services, you could discuss things related to web hosting, thus
showing potential customers how much of a guru you are.
• The more active blogs that reference your
business, the more exposure you’ll get. Let your employers have their own blogs to talk about your services or products etc.
• Use your business blog to keep current customers updated about your
new services or products available.
• Post news information about your business, as well as start rumors about
potential happenings in your online business.
• Get feedback from potential and current customers on your
productsor or services. For instance, you could make a post on a new
product, giving details about it. Then ask your existing customers
or potential customers to give their opinion on it.
• Promote your online business on your blog by making blog posts
with information on your business new offers.
• You could also install Adsense on your blog and make extra revenue from ads
clicked, thereby helping your business to be more profitable.
Blogs that are hosted on your site (by using a program like
WordPress) can help your site achieve a higher ranking in search
engines. There are really a lot of possibilities to how you can use a
blog to help your business, even more than those listed here.
This is because blogs are search engine friendly (Google is known to list them after only a few days, whereas it takes regular web sites weeks to appear on a search engine).
Having a high search engine ranking is crucial to having a
successful online business. Blogs help you to increase your
ranking, which will increase your business.
The great thing about blogs is that they are easy to use and
also very effective. So why not start a blog today and watch your business’
notoriety grow.
Len Hutton
Len Hutton specialises in helping people start their own online ventures. Why not get your hands on a no cost two and a half hour internet business video at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
video in ecommerce
The most common misconception people have for internet audio
and video applications are with their usage. More often, video
with audio, or one of these alone, are viewed as materials for
entertainment or leisure in the internet. This misconception is
beginning to fade fast.
The most obvious reason is the way audio and video are used as
teasers to wet the appetites of prospective customers. The best
examples of all websites that use this method are the
shopping websites. These websites that sell hot selling products
will design their web pages in such a way that highlights of a
whole movie are embedded within the web page. In
this manner, they hope to persuade the browsing public, who view
the partial material, to purchase the product. In simpler
terms, a viewable movie trailer is added to the site.
For commercial vendor websites that primarily sell movies and
music, video and audio utilities are an integral part of their
marketing strategy. They understand that most people want to see
and/or hear what they are buying. They know that using video and
audio to show their merchandise to customers wins half the
battle for them to get the customers to buy.
For websites that are focused on selling published materials
like books and audio books, a few narrated passages or several
sample chapters of the material encoded in audio files is a good
way to encourage a customer to buy their product.
Furthermore, testimonials of previous customers have a better
chance of being noticed than those that are just encoded in
text. Most people usually go to a website for a specific reason.
For example, one person wants to buy an independent video but
he/she does not know which independent video vendor website to
go to. This person will use a search engine to find what he/she
needs. Once found, that person will go directly to the part of
the website where the video he/she is looking for exists.
In cases like these, the home or welcome page is bypassed where,
most likely, all of the testimonials are situated. With audio
and/or video applications installed in the web site, the
testimonials can be streamed to the customer automatically to
whichever part of the website he/she is in. Of course, using
audio/video streaming now to project your testimonials is a bit
extreme at the moment. However, future technology will make
audio/video streaming a material of lesser bulk in terms of data
transfer. There will come a time when the whole internet can be
browsed by vocal commands.
To get back to the subject at hand, the ability of being able to
project your merchandise, testimonials, and other points you
want your customers to be aware of, by using audio/video
technology is limitless and powerful. A single video clip
lasting around 10 seconds is no longer considered a huge burden
as far as electronic data storage is concerned.
Keep your eye regularly on residual income business opportunity to learn and earn.
Len Hutton
What can you, as an entrepreneur, place into a 10 seconds long
video so that you can gain your customers’ trust or make them
aware of your other merchandise? Now, 10 seconds is a relatively
short time, but it is plenty enough time for people to convey
several points of view. If a 10 second video is worth more that
a lot of text writings, what more a video that is 20 or 30
seconds long?
Internet audio and video streaming technology is getting more
and more sophisticated. All you have to do is look around you
and you will see people watching videos and listening to music
with their I-pods, MP3 and MP4 players. Incidentally, the best
sources for their audio and video needs can be found on the
internet. So, imagine all the audio/video data streaming,
downloading and uploading around in the internet, and you will
have a good idea of just how measly a 10 second video is in
terms of today’s technology.
As I said, the use of audio/video streaming on the internet
is a powerful marketing tool. However, the technology for it has
matured enough in that audio and video files use more space
from storage devices such as hard drives and I-pods. Already,
hard drives ofcomputers have transcended the megabyte barrier and
are now storing gigabytes of data (one gigabyte = 1,000 megabytes).
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
If you would like to receive my weekly news letter visit at www.nicheresidualincomes.com Len
and video applications are with their usage. More often, video
with audio, or one of these alone, are viewed as materials for
entertainment or leisure in the internet. This misconception is
beginning to fade fast.
The most obvious reason is the way audio and video are used as
teasers to wet the appetites of prospective customers. The best
examples of all websites that use this method are the
shopping websites. These websites that sell hot selling products
will design their web pages in such a way that highlights of a
whole movie are embedded within the web page. In
this manner, they hope to persuade the browsing public, who view
the partial material, to purchase the product. In simpler
terms, a viewable movie trailer is added to the site.
For commercial vendor websites that primarily sell movies and
music, video and audio utilities are an integral part of their
marketing strategy. They understand that most people want to see
and/or hear what they are buying. They know that using video and
audio to show their merchandise to customers wins half the
battle for them to get the customers to buy.
For websites that are focused on selling published materials
like books and audio books, a few narrated passages or several
sample chapters of the material encoded in audio files is a good
way to encourage a customer to buy their product.
Furthermore, testimonials of previous customers have a better
chance of being noticed than those that are just encoded in
text. Most people usually go to a website for a specific reason.
For example, one person wants to buy an independent video but
he/she does not know which independent video vendor website to
go to. This person will use a search engine to find what he/she
needs. Once found, that person will go directly to the part of
the website where the video he/she is looking for exists.
In cases like these, the home or welcome page is bypassed where,
most likely, all of the testimonials are situated. With audio
and/or video applications installed in the web site, the
testimonials can be streamed to the customer automatically to
whichever part of the website he/she is in. Of course, using
audio/video streaming now to project your testimonials is a bit
extreme at the moment. However, future technology will make
audio/video streaming a material of lesser bulk in terms of data
transfer. There will come a time when the whole internet can be
browsed by vocal commands.
To get back to the subject at hand, the ability of being able to
project your merchandise, testimonials, and other points you
want your customers to be aware of, by using audio/video
technology is limitless and powerful. A single video clip
lasting around 10 seconds is no longer considered a huge burden
as far as electronic data storage is concerned.
Keep your eye regularly on residual income business opportunity to learn and earn.
Len Hutton
What can you, as an entrepreneur, place into a 10 seconds long
video so that you can gain your customers’ trust or make them
aware of your other merchandise? Now, 10 seconds is a relatively
short time, but it is plenty enough time for people to convey
several points of view. If a 10 second video is worth more that
a lot of text writings, what more a video that is 20 or 30
seconds long?
Internet audio and video streaming technology is getting more
and more sophisticated. All you have to do is look around you
and you will see people watching videos and listening to music
with their I-pods, MP3 and MP4 players. Incidentally, the best
sources for their audio and video needs can be found on the
internet. So, imagine all the audio/video data streaming,
downloading and uploading around in the internet, and you will
have a good idea of just how measly a 10 second video is in
terms of today’s technology.
As I said, the use of audio/video streaming on the internet
is a powerful marketing tool. However, the technology for it has
matured enough in that audio and video files use more space
from storage devices such as hard drives and I-pods. Already,
hard drives ofcomputers have transcended the megabyte barrier and
are now storing gigabytes of data (one gigabyte = 1,000 megabytes).
Keep your eye on residual income business opportunity regularly to learn and earn.
If you would like to receive my weekly news letter visit at www.nicheresidualincomes.com Len
Easily Create Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing is a very effective way to reach your customers.
It will also help you increase the traffic to your website and
improve sales. How do you develop an effective email marketing
campaign? After all, what you send to your customers is very
important. If it isn’t well designed or professional looking the
results could be damaging to your business instead of
The first part of the email marketing campaign needs to include
your goals. What do you expect to achieve from your email
marketing campaign? Who do you want to reach? You should also
decide what type of marketing you are going to do. Will it be
random discounts and promotions, seasonal, or will you be
sending a regular newsletter? Next you will need to do some
research. Do you know the email marketing laws? What are the
current market trends? How are you going to make your email
marketing campaign more appealing than that of the competition?
You have to have these goals clearly defined and outlined.
Otherwise your will just spin your wheels while developing your
email marketing campaign.
Since the goals of every business are very different, the
strategies they use in email marketing will also be very
different. While this gives each business the ability to be
creative an unique in developing their marketing campaign, it
also makes it difficult because there are no clear cut answers.
If you aren’t skilled in developing email marketing campaigns
you will need to purchase email marketing software or hire an
email marketing consultant.
How well do you know your customer? I hope well because this is
a very important part of developing an effective email marketing
campaign. You have to be able to address your key audience by
providing them with relevant information. If they aren’t
interested in what you have to say then it doesn’t matter how
many emails you manage to send out.
Once you have decided on your email marketing campaign you may
think you are ready to hit the send button, but hold on just a
little bit longer. Make sure everything in the email is spelled
correctly and grammatically correct. Nothing looks more
unprofessional than an email marketing campaign will errors.
They will stick out like a sore thumb. Remember to test the
effectiveness of the email on the various email service
providers as they all have variations. You will be disappointed
to discover that subscribers to a particular service weren’t
able to open your email for it to read properly.
Make sure the subject line of your email is clear and effective.
This will help your email marketing campaign to get past the
various spam filters and virus protectors. Many researchers of
email marketing believe the subject line will make or break the
reader’s decision to open your email. Make sure you personalize
the email and address it to the consumer rather than a broad
introduction. You will want to attach a clear expiration date to
your email marketing promotion. Nothing motivates the consumer
than having a deadline. They don’t want to miss out on the
opportunity to take advantage of what you are offering.
Email marketing is a great opportunity for you to communicate
with your customers and to promote your business. It is very
important that you take the time to set your goals and to know
the market before you develop your email marketing campaign.
This will ensure it is successful. While you want your email
marketing strategy to be unique and creative you need to keep
the wants and needs of the customer in mind. You can choose to
develop your email marketing strategy on your own, using
software, or by hiring a consultant. Getting your email to the
consumer is only half of the battle. You will have to work hard
to make it very appealing and get the
Len Hutton
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http://www.nicheresidualincomes.com/
It will also help you increase the traffic to your website and
improve sales. How do you develop an effective email marketing
campaign? After all, what you send to your customers is very
important. If it isn’t well designed or professional looking the
results could be damaging to your business instead of
The first part of the email marketing campaign needs to include
your goals. What do you expect to achieve from your email
marketing campaign? Who do you want to reach? You should also
decide what type of marketing you are going to do. Will it be
random discounts and promotions, seasonal, or will you be
sending a regular newsletter? Next you will need to do some
research. Do you know the email marketing laws? What are the
current market trends? How are you going to make your email
marketing campaign more appealing than that of the competition?
You have to have these goals clearly defined and outlined.
Otherwise your will just spin your wheels while developing your
email marketing campaign.
Since the goals of every business are very different, the
strategies they use in email marketing will also be very
different. While this gives each business the ability to be
creative an unique in developing their marketing campaign, it
also makes it difficult because there are no clear cut answers.
If you aren’t skilled in developing email marketing campaigns
you will need to purchase email marketing software or hire an
email marketing consultant.
How well do you know your customer? I hope well because this is
a very important part of developing an effective email marketing
campaign. You have to be able to address your key audience by
providing them with relevant information. If they aren’t
interested in what you have to say then it doesn’t matter how
many emails you manage to send out.
Once you have decided on your email marketing campaign you may
think you are ready to hit the send button, but hold on just a
little bit longer. Make sure everything in the email is spelled
correctly and grammatically correct. Nothing looks more
unprofessional than an email marketing campaign will errors.
They will stick out like a sore thumb. Remember to test the
effectiveness of the email on the various email service
providers as they all have variations. You will be disappointed
to discover that subscribers to a particular service weren’t
able to open your email for it to read properly.
Make sure the subject line of your email is clear and effective.
This will help your email marketing campaign to get past the
various spam filters and virus protectors. Many researchers of
email marketing believe the subject line will make or break the
reader’s decision to open your email. Make sure you personalize
the email and address it to the consumer rather than a broad
introduction. You will want to attach a clear expiration date to
your email marketing promotion. Nothing motivates the consumer
than having a deadline. They don’t want to miss out on the
opportunity to take advantage of what you are offering.
Email marketing is a great opportunity for you to communicate
with your customers and to promote your business. It is very
important that you take the time to set your goals and to know
the market before you develop your email marketing campaign.
This will ensure it is successful. While you want your email
marketing strategy to be unique and creative you need to keep
the wants and needs of the customer in mind. You can choose to
develop your email marketing strategy on your own, using
software, or by hiring a consultant. Getting your email to the
consumer is only half of the battle. You will have to work hard
to make it very appealing and get the
Len Hutton
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http://www.nicheresidualincomes.com/
Friday, October 26, 2007
residual income business opportunity
Welcome to residual income business opportunity. A learning blog site by Len Hutton for residual income business opportunity seekers to learn and improve how to set up and expand your residual income business opportunity and to keep in touch with new residual income business opportunity ideas and trends. And help promote your internet residual income business opportunity.
Len Hutton
Len Hutton
Search Engine or Directory?
Getting your site listed in search engines and directories is an
important part of building a successful site. Most people tend
to think of search directories and engines as one in the same.
However, they are actually both quite different. The only
similarity between the two, in fact, is that they both serve the
same purpose: to help people find web sites of interest to them.
In this newsletter, we will talk about the various search
engines and directories, what their differences are, and why
each is essential to delivering traffic to your site.
Search Engines:
By far the most popular search engine around is Google. Other
search engines include Inktomi, AltaVista, AlltheWeb, and MSN.
Probably the most popular example of a directory is Yahoo. Other
directories include Open Directory Project (dmoz.org) and
The Differences between Search Engines and Directories
Difference #1: Search engines are run by robots; directories are
run by human editors
The most notable difference between search engines and
directories is that search engines aren’t updated by human
editors like directories are. Instead, search engines are
updated bi-monthly or monthly by robots—spiders and crawlers.
What are spiders and crawlers? They are programs written by
programmers at a particular search engine that basically locate
a page, browse it, and then report whatever it finds back to the
search engine’s database. What is found is then listed on the
search engine.
Directories, on the other hand, are completely updated by human
editors. What usually happens is that a person submits their
site to the directory and then the editor will visit the site
and see whether or not it is worthy of being listed in the
directory. If it is, it will be grouped with other relevant
sites in the directory. If not, it won’t be listed at all.
Directories are typically harder to get listed in than search
engines are for this reason. Human editors won’t allow in
unworthy sites; search engine bots will. Directories are usually
updated very frequently by the editors.
Difference #2: Search engines are free to get listed in; some
directories are not
Many directories charge money for each submission. Search
engines never charge a dime because their bots are solely
responsible for listing web sites. There are, however, free
directories which you can submit your site to.
Difference #3: Search engines are more popular and more used
People want convenience. Search engines offer this. All people
have to do is type in a keyword into the search engine and
relevant sites come up. Those who use directories have to go
through the hassle of going through categories and
sub-categories. This takes time and patience, both things that
many busy people just don’t have.
Difference #4: Directories have listings grouped together by
topic; search engines can sometimes be disorganized
When someone visits a directory, all they have to do is choose a
category that interests them. Then, all the sites are relevant
to that category will come up on the page. While search engines
are usually effective, unrelated listings can sometimes come up
in a search for a particular thing. There’s nothing worse than
doing a search for cars and having an unrelated listing for cats
come up. Unfortunately, this is occasionally the case with
search engines because they are updated by robots, not humans.
Why are Search engines and Directories important to your site?
There are a few reasons for why both are important to your
site’s traffic. The most obvious reason is that the more you are
listed, the more likely it is people will visit your site. If
people see your site in both search engines and directories,
they are more likely to visit it than if they just saw it in a
search engine.
Even though directories aren’t as popular now, they are still
well-used by people because they neatly group together sites in
a particular category. So if you run an online web design
business and are listed in the web design category of the
directory, everyone who looks for web design in that directory
will see your site.
Search engines are also important to your site because they will
show your site if a particular keyword(s) is typed into the
engine. If your site is listed in both directories and search
engines, you will have more traffic than if your site were
listed in one or the other.
Be sure to do whatever it takes to ensure that your site gets
listed in both and you will reap the benefits.
important part of building a successful site. Most people tend
to think of search directories and engines as one in the same.
However, they are actually both quite different. The only
similarity between the two, in fact, is that they both serve the
same purpose: to help people find web sites of interest to them.
In this newsletter, we will talk about the various search
engines and directories, what their differences are, and why
each is essential to delivering traffic to your site.
Search Engines:
By far the most popular search engine around is Google. Other
search engines include Inktomi, AltaVista, AlltheWeb, and MSN.
Probably the most popular example of a directory is Yahoo. Other
directories include Open Directory Project (dmoz.org) and
The Differences between Search Engines and Directories
Difference #1: Search engines are run by robots; directories are
run by human editors
The most notable difference between search engines and
directories is that search engines aren’t updated by human
editors like directories are. Instead, search engines are
updated bi-monthly or monthly by robots—spiders and crawlers.
What are spiders and crawlers? They are programs written by
programmers at a particular search engine that basically locate
a page, browse it, and then report whatever it finds back to the
search engine’s database. What is found is then listed on the
search engine.
Directories, on the other hand, are completely updated by human
editors. What usually happens is that a person submits their
site to the directory and then the editor will visit the site
and see whether or not it is worthy of being listed in the
directory. If it is, it will be grouped with other relevant
sites in the directory. If not, it won’t be listed at all.
Directories are typically harder to get listed in than search
engines are for this reason. Human editors won’t allow in
unworthy sites; search engine bots will. Directories are usually
updated very frequently by the editors.
Difference #2: Search engines are free to get listed in; some
directories are not
Many directories charge money for each submission. Search
engines never charge a dime because their bots are solely
responsible for listing web sites. There are, however, free
directories which you can submit your site to.
Difference #3: Search engines are more popular and more used
People want convenience. Search engines offer this. All people
have to do is type in a keyword into the search engine and
relevant sites come up. Those who use directories have to go
through the hassle of going through categories and
sub-categories. This takes time and patience, both things that
many busy people just don’t have.
Difference #4: Directories have listings grouped together by
topic; search engines can sometimes be disorganized
When someone visits a directory, all they have to do is choose a
category that interests them. Then, all the sites are relevant
to that category will come up on the page. While search engines
are usually effective, unrelated listings can sometimes come up
in a search for a particular thing. There’s nothing worse than
doing a search for cars and having an unrelated listing for cats
come up. Unfortunately, this is occasionally the case with
search engines because they are updated by robots, not humans.
Why are Search engines and Directories important to your site?
There are a few reasons for why both are important to your
site’s traffic. The most obvious reason is that the more you are
listed, the more likely it is people will visit your site. If
people see your site in both search engines and directories,
they are more likely to visit it than if they just saw it in a
search engine.
Even though directories aren’t as popular now, they are still
well-used by people because they neatly group together sites in
a particular category. So if you run an online web design
business and are listed in the web design category of the
directory, everyone who looks for web design in that directory
will see your site.
Search engines are also important to your site because they will
show your site if a particular keyword(s) is typed into the
engine. If your site is listed in both directories and search
engines, you will have more traffic than if your site were
listed in one or the other.
Be sure to do whatever it takes to ensure that your site gets
listed in both and you will reap the benefits.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Content Search Engines Love
By Len Hutton
One of the most important steps to take to ensure that your site
is successful is to have a site that is well-loved by search
engines. This is actually fairly easy to do—but also fairly easy
not to do. It is a known fact that well-placed keywords and
keyword phrases on a piece of content will attract search engine
spiders. It is also a well-known fact that keyword
stuffing—using keywords way too much—will repel spiders and stop
them from putting your site on a search engine.
So what is the delicate balance of having just the right amount
of keywords and keyword phrases? How do you achieve it? How do
you make sure you aren’t overusing keywords? In this newsletter,
we will go over all of the above to help make your site keyword
How do I write content that the search engines love?
The easy answer is to make sure your content has several
keywords. But how is this done in a natural way so not as to
hurt your traffic from actual human beings? Well, it all comes
down to naturally putting keywords into your content. We’ll
briefly go over this process.
#1: Sit down and decide what your content will be about
If your site is all about sports, figure out what kinds of
sports content you’ll put on there. Maybe you’ll write about
basketball or golf or football or any other sport. Or if you’re
running a music site, you could write content about a particular
style of music or band/artist. The point is, make sure that
whatever content you write is relevant to your site.
#2: Make a list of keywords that are relevant to your content
So if you’re writing a music article, these keywords could be:
Hip Hop
But try to narrow your list down to 2 or 3 keywords. The first
keyword should be a primary keyword(used at least 10 times in a
500 word document) and the other one or two should be secondary
keywords(used a few times each in a 500 word document).
#3: Begin writing the content.
As you write each sentence, try to think about where the primary
and secondary keywords might fit in. Wherever it seems natural,
use the keywords. However, you should never try to make them fit
where they don’t fit. If it looks unnatural, don’t use them.
#4: Read over the content.
When you read over the content, try to read it like a visitor
would. Do the keywords you’ve tried to incorporate in the text
distract you from the meaning of the content? Do the keywords
seem blatant? If they do, rewrite the content to make it flow
more naturally.
#5: Count the number of keywords and plain words
If you have a 500 word piece of content, you’ll want to see
around 5-15 primary keywords sprinkled throughout the content—a
keyword density of at least 1%, but ideally 3%. Keyword density
is the number of keywords divided by the total number of words.
A keyword density of 1% in a 500 word piece of content would be
5 keywords, while a keyword density of 3% in a 500 word piece of
content would be 15 keywords. Strive for 3%.
#6: If you don’t have enough keyword density, or have too much,
rewrite the content
Rewrite your content as necessary to have enough keyword
Why is keyword “stuffing” bad for my site?
It is bad for your site simply because search engine spiders
have been programmed to skip over sites with excessive keywords.
These would be sites with keyword densities of at least 10%.
Sites like these are known as spam sites—sites created
specifically to earn high rankings in a search engine due to
high keyword usage. Before, spam sites would be heavily ranked
in a search engine, but not anymore. Spiders are smarter than
ever, able to detect spam sites from a mile away.
That’s why keyword stuffing is a bad thing for your site—it will
actually keep spiders from visiting. Make sure you do not have a
keyword density of much more than 5%. Even 5% is considered too
Keeping the above things in mind will help you to build a site
that search engine spiders love.
Len Hutton
Keep your eye regularly on residual income business opportunity to learn and earn.
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http:// www.nicheresidualincomes.com/lightningcash.htm
One of the most important steps to take to ensure that your site
is successful is to have a site that is well-loved by search
engines. This is actually fairly easy to do—but also fairly easy
not to do. It is a known fact that well-placed keywords and
keyword phrases on a piece of content will attract search engine
spiders. It is also a well-known fact that keyword
stuffing—using keywords way too much—will repel spiders and stop
them from putting your site on a search engine.
So what is the delicate balance of having just the right amount
of keywords and keyword phrases? How do you achieve it? How do
you make sure you aren’t overusing keywords? In this newsletter,
we will go over all of the above to help make your site keyword
How do I write content that the search engines love?
The easy answer is to make sure your content has several
keywords. But how is this done in a natural way so not as to
hurt your traffic from actual human beings? Well, it all comes
down to naturally putting keywords into your content. We’ll
briefly go over this process.
#1: Sit down and decide what your content will be about
If your site is all about sports, figure out what kinds of
sports content you’ll put on there. Maybe you’ll write about
basketball or golf or football or any other sport. Or if you’re
running a music site, you could write content about a particular
style of music or band/artist. The point is, make sure that
whatever content you write is relevant to your site.
#2: Make a list of keywords that are relevant to your content
So if you’re writing a music article, these keywords could be:
Hip Hop
But try to narrow your list down to 2 or 3 keywords. The first
keyword should be a primary keyword(used at least 10 times in a
500 word document) and the other one or two should be secondary
keywords(used a few times each in a 500 word document).
#3: Begin writing the content.
As you write each sentence, try to think about where the primary
and secondary keywords might fit in. Wherever it seems natural,
use the keywords. However, you should never try to make them fit
where they don’t fit. If it looks unnatural, don’t use them.
#4: Read over the content.
When you read over the content, try to read it like a visitor
would. Do the keywords you’ve tried to incorporate in the text
distract you from the meaning of the content? Do the keywords
seem blatant? If they do, rewrite the content to make it flow
more naturally.
#5: Count the number of keywords and plain words
If you have a 500 word piece of content, you’ll want to see
around 5-15 primary keywords sprinkled throughout the content—a
keyword density of at least 1%, but ideally 3%. Keyword density
is the number of keywords divided by the total number of words.
A keyword density of 1% in a 500 word piece of content would be
5 keywords, while a keyword density of 3% in a 500 word piece of
content would be 15 keywords. Strive for 3%.
#6: If you don’t have enough keyword density, or have too much,
rewrite the content
Rewrite your content as necessary to have enough keyword
Why is keyword “stuffing” bad for my site?
It is bad for your site simply because search engine spiders
have been programmed to skip over sites with excessive keywords.
These would be sites with keyword densities of at least 10%.
Sites like these are known as spam sites—sites created
specifically to earn high rankings in a search engine due to
high keyword usage. Before, spam sites would be heavily ranked
in a search engine, but not anymore. Spiders are smarter than
ever, able to detect spam sites from a mile away.
That’s why keyword stuffing is a bad thing for your site—it will
actually keep spiders from visiting. Make sure you do not have a
keyword density of much more than 5%. Even 5% is considered too
Keeping the above things in mind will help you to build a site
that search engine spiders love.
Len Hutton
Keep your eye regularly on residual income business opportunity to learn and earn.
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http:// www.nicheresidualincomes.com/lightningcash.htm
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Finding joint venture partners
Read this newsletter and go out and take action. I assure you your results can be life changing.
I’m going to show you a number of different ways that you can find joint venture partners, as well as some very specific strategies you can use to get your niche markets top marketers to promote your products and web site.
Just five decent joint venture partners who promote your ebook to their email list in exchange for a commission can put your current income through the roof. A joint venture is where you contact a marketer in your niche market who has an email list of subscribers who may have an interest in your product. They can be the lifeblood of your business.
Know Your Conversion Rate
You need to be able to contact a potential JV partner and be able to tell them how your sites converting. The first mistake newbie’s make is they start contacting JV partners left right and centre before they’ve even made a sale of their ebook themselves. This is wrong. Very wrong.
Site conversion is simple. It’s the amount of visitors to the amount of visitors who buy. So for example if one hundred people visited your site and two bought your conversion is two percent. You want to get at least one thousand visitors before you know your conversion.
To work out how your sites converting download the software from www.statcounter.com. Don’t worry it won’t cost you a penny.
Always offer Large Commissions
Once you know how well your sites converting (if no one’s buying don’t even bother contacting marketers. Change your headline, improve your sales letter, do whatever it takes) then you can start contacting JV partners. Offer them more than your regular affiliates. If you offer your affiliates fifty percent commission, offer your JV partners seventy five percent.
You may be thinking “wait a sec those commissions are huge? I won’t make any money myself”. This is where so many go wrong. If people are sending you tons of visitors you can build your email list and offer them other products in email promotions, and you can also make money selling back end products.
Offer to Return The Favour
Offering high commissions is not enough. Tell them that you’ll add a message into your auto responder set up so that you’ll market their products via an affiliate link in your back end. Explain that you’ll be setting up joint ventures with other marketers in the niche so that they’ll get visitors to their site without spending a dime.
Using Clickbank
Please, please understand one thing. If you’re selling an ebook on dog training don’t start contacting marketers who sell fishing products. That’s just ridiculous. Only contact marketers who sell products aimed at your niche market and therefore have an email or customer list of people who may have an interest in your ebook.
OK. start at www.clickbank.com. Click on “promote products” on the home page and then search the marketplace for products in your niche. Contact the product owners and try setting up a JV.
Now go to Google “Ezine” The Trick
This is a great way to find marketers with ready made email lists they can send a promotion to and sell tons of copies of your ebook virtually overnight.
Go to google and type in “(niche) ezine”. So for example if you were selling a bass fishing related ebook you’d type in “bass fishing ezine”. What you’ll get is a huge list of results of web sites in which people have a bass fishing email newsletter (or ezine). Obviously they won’t all have one, often you’ll get millions of results, but you can spend a few hours going through the results and get more JV contacts than you could ever hope for!
Google “Allintitle” Trick
Another cracker. Do you think web sites that have your niche market keyword in their domain name might be great potential JV partners? Of course! Go to google and type in “allintitle: (niche)”
So for example if you were selling an ebook on song writing you’d type “allintitle:song writing” into google.
Go through the results contacting marketers and setting up hugely profitable joint ventures.
Leverage Results
You can set up one profitable JV and use the results to start setting up even more joint ventures. You can say things like “Joe bloggs from domain name.com made X amount of sales and earned X amount from just one mailing to his list”. This really is powerful because it shows people that you know what you’re doing.
Now go and take action. You really can set up joint ventures with any niche markets top guns if you go and actually do it. Good luck!
Len Hutton.
Keep your eye regularly on residual income business opportunity to learn and earn.
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http:// www.nicheresidualincomes.com/lightningcash.htm
I’m going to show you a number of different ways that you can find joint venture partners, as well as some very specific strategies you can use to get your niche markets top marketers to promote your products and web site.
Just five decent joint venture partners who promote your ebook to their email list in exchange for a commission can put your current income through the roof. A joint venture is where you contact a marketer in your niche market who has an email list of subscribers who may have an interest in your product. They can be the lifeblood of your business.
Know Your Conversion Rate
You need to be able to contact a potential JV partner and be able to tell them how your sites converting. The first mistake newbie’s make is they start contacting JV partners left right and centre before they’ve even made a sale of their ebook themselves. This is wrong. Very wrong.
Site conversion is simple. It’s the amount of visitors to the amount of visitors who buy. So for example if one hundred people visited your site and two bought your conversion is two percent. You want to get at least one thousand visitors before you know your conversion.
To work out how your sites converting download the software from www.statcounter.com. Don’t worry it won’t cost you a penny.
Always offer Large Commissions
Once you know how well your sites converting (if no one’s buying don’t even bother contacting marketers. Change your headline, improve your sales letter, do whatever it takes) then you can start contacting JV partners. Offer them more than your regular affiliates. If you offer your affiliates fifty percent commission, offer your JV partners seventy five percent.
You may be thinking “wait a sec those commissions are huge? I won’t make any money myself”. This is where so many go wrong. If people are sending you tons of visitors you can build your email list and offer them other products in email promotions, and you can also make money selling back end products.
Offer to Return The Favour
Offering high commissions is not enough. Tell them that you’ll add a message into your auto responder set up so that you’ll market their products via an affiliate link in your back end. Explain that you’ll be setting up joint ventures with other marketers in the niche so that they’ll get visitors to their site without spending a dime.
Using Clickbank
Please, please understand one thing. If you’re selling an ebook on dog training don’t start contacting marketers who sell fishing products. That’s just ridiculous. Only contact marketers who sell products aimed at your niche market and therefore have an email or customer list of people who may have an interest in your ebook.
OK. start at www.clickbank.com. Click on “promote products” on the home page and then search the marketplace for products in your niche. Contact the product owners and try setting up a JV.
Now go to Google “Ezine” The Trick
This is a great way to find marketers with ready made email lists they can send a promotion to and sell tons of copies of your ebook virtually overnight.
Go to google and type in “(niche) ezine”. So for example if you were selling a bass fishing related ebook you’d type in “bass fishing ezine”. What you’ll get is a huge list of results of web sites in which people have a bass fishing email newsletter (or ezine). Obviously they won’t all have one, often you’ll get millions of results, but you can spend a few hours going through the results and get more JV contacts than you could ever hope for!
Google “Allintitle” Trick
Another cracker. Do you think web sites that have your niche market keyword in their domain name might be great potential JV partners? Of course! Go to google and type in “allintitle: (niche)”
So for example if you were selling an ebook on song writing you’d type “allintitle:song writing” into google.
Go through the results contacting marketers and setting up hugely profitable joint ventures.
Leverage Results
You can set up one profitable JV and use the results to start setting up even more joint ventures. You can say things like “Joe bloggs from domain name.com made X amount of sales and earned X amount from just one mailing to his list”. This really is powerful because it shows people that you know what you’re doing.
Now go and take action. You really can set up joint ventures with any niche markets top guns if you go and actually do it. Good luck!
Len Hutton.
Keep your eye regularly on residual income business opportunity to learn and earn.
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http:// www.nicheresidualincomes.com/lightningcash.htm
Affiliate program tricks and strategies
It’s no secret!!
If you have your own product or service you can explode your profits exponentially by having your own successful affiliate program. The problem lies in the fact that people just don’t have their program set up in the right way resulting in a poor amount of traffic and therefore sales from their affiliates.
If you want to take their online business to the next level. In this article I am going to outline some tricks and strategies that anyone with their own affiliate program should use in order to maximize their income
Always encourage People To Sign Up
Here’s where most people go wrong. They set up an affiliate program and have a links that says “click here to sign up” and then that’s it. You need to sell your affiliate program. Have a mini sales letter that explains the benefit of people signing up. Tell them their commissions and how they can earn a living without ever having to create a product or have a web site just by promoting your products.
Always provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Site owners get people to sign up to their affiliate program and then just leave them to it. It’s like they’re saying “thanks for signing up, now go and make me some cash”. That’s ridiculous. You need to do all the hard work for your affiliates if you want to start earning the big bucks.
Provide your affiliate with email promotions, press releases, articles, banner adverts pay per click ads, and whatever else you can create that will enable people to promote your site to the masses with as little work as possible.
You could write an article and submit it to article directories all over the internet and do very well for yourself. However if you just had one hundred affiliates blasting that article all over the net you’ve just multiplied your marketing power by one hundred. This is the key to making massive mounts online.
Can’t write articles?
Don’t worry. If you can’t write articles etc yourself hire someone to do so from www.elance.com but do provide your affiliates with marketing materials or your just setting yourself up for having a very mediocre internet business
Send out An Affiliate Only Newsletter
Here’s a real cracker. Have an email list of only your affiliates. Each week send out a mini blueprint on how they can market your products an earn a commission. Inform them of new products you’ve just launched or new marketing materials you’ve just added to your affiliates area.
Have a weekly completion
Another great method you can use with this is have a weekly completion. Each week your affiliate who earns the most get’s an extra one hundred dollars or whatever you can afford. Mention the winner in each weeks newsletter and say things like “who thinks they can overtake Joe Bloggs as being my top affiliate? Come on guys I know I’ve got some great marketers signed up as my affiliates prove it and I’ll mention you in next weeks newsletter”.
This is great. Psychologically you are motivating your affiliates to promote your products like crazy to get recognition as being your “top gun”. Often ego trips are just as motivating as money.
Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits
I’ve been taking about what you need to do in order to earna serious living online through having your own affiliate program. Done properly this could earn you more money than you could ever have dreamed of. To overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliate program
You need to:
Encourage people to sign up
Make it easy for them to market
Motivate them to market fast and market hard.
If you can do this you’ll be able to create a hugely successful affiliate program and sell a truckload of your products without any real hard work or any costs.
I assure you that if you just put one or two of these simple to implement strategies into place you will see a marked improvement on both your affiliate sign ups, and your affiliates actively marketing your products. Just give it a go if you want to make the big money!
Len Hutton
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. Get a no cost video showing you step by step how to set up a niche ebook empire at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
If you have your own product or service you can explode your profits exponentially by having your own successful affiliate program. The problem lies in the fact that people just don’t have their program set up in the right way resulting in a poor amount of traffic and therefore sales from their affiliates.
If you want to take their online business to the next level. In this article I am going to outline some tricks and strategies that anyone with their own affiliate program should use in order to maximize their income
Always encourage People To Sign Up
Here’s where most people go wrong. They set up an affiliate program and have a links that says “click here to sign up” and then that’s it. You need to sell your affiliate program. Have a mini sales letter that explains the benefit of people signing up. Tell them their commissions and how they can earn a living without ever having to create a product or have a web site just by promoting your products.
Always provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Site owners get people to sign up to their affiliate program and then just leave them to it. It’s like they’re saying “thanks for signing up, now go and make me some cash”. That’s ridiculous. You need to do all the hard work for your affiliates if you want to start earning the big bucks.
Provide your affiliate with email promotions, press releases, articles, banner adverts pay per click ads, and whatever else you can create that will enable people to promote your site to the masses with as little work as possible.
You could write an article and submit it to article directories all over the internet and do very well for yourself. However if you just had one hundred affiliates blasting that article all over the net you’ve just multiplied your marketing power by one hundred. This is the key to making massive mounts online.
Can’t write articles?
Don’t worry. If you can’t write articles etc yourself hire someone to do so from www.elance.com but do provide your affiliates with marketing materials or your just setting yourself up for having a very mediocre internet business
Send out An Affiliate Only Newsletter
Here’s a real cracker. Have an email list of only your affiliates. Each week send out a mini blueprint on how they can market your products an earn a commission. Inform them of new products you’ve just launched or new marketing materials you’ve just added to your affiliates area.
Have a weekly completion
Another great method you can use with this is have a weekly completion. Each week your affiliate who earns the most get’s an extra one hundred dollars or whatever you can afford. Mention the winner in each weeks newsletter and say things like “who thinks they can overtake Joe Bloggs as being my top affiliate? Come on guys I know I’ve got some great marketers signed up as my affiliates prove it and I’ll mention you in next weeks newsletter”.
This is great. Psychologically you are motivating your affiliates to promote your products like crazy to get recognition as being your “top gun”. Often ego trips are just as motivating as money.
Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits
I’ve been taking about what you need to do in order to earna serious living online through having your own affiliate program. Done properly this could earn you more money than you could ever have dreamed of. To overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliate program
You need to:
Encourage people to sign up
Make it easy for them to market
Motivate them to market fast and market hard.
If you can do this you’ll be able to create a hugely successful affiliate program and sell a truckload of your products without any real hard work or any costs.
I assure you that if you just put one or two of these simple to implement strategies into place you will see a marked improvement on both your affiliate sign ups, and your affiliates actively marketing your products. Just give it a go if you want to make the big money!
Len Hutton
Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. Get a no cost video showing you step by step how to set up a niche ebook empire at www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Monday, October 22, 2007
You can get a no cost video showing you step by step how to set up an internet business at - www.nicheresidualincomes.com
Finding niche markets
If you don’t know where to look finding niche markets for info products can be an absolute killer Whilst publishing niche ebooks is a proven business that can make you a lot of money, finding niches to exploit can be both time consuming and disheartening if you struggle to find any good markets.
So thankfully there’s hope. I’m going to show you a simple strategy you can use for finding as many niche markets to sell ebooks to as you could want. In this article.
Go to the above site. This is an amazing resource that won’t cost you a penny to sign up to. Start typing in niche markets that interest you. If you had an interest in planes you’d type in “ planes ”. Then all you need to do is make a list of all of the sub niches within the general niche market of planes. These are all potential niches for you to exploit.
“amazon.com” The bookselling giants are an amazing resource for finding niche markets you’d never have thought about entering. Go the web site and in the search bar select “books”. Then type in a niche you’d like to create a product around. For example type in “fishing”. Go through the results and start jotting down all of the niche markets that jump out at you.
When many people hear this technique they immediately think “wait a sec how can I compete with Amazon?”. You won’t be of course you’ll be catering for a different market. As ebook publishers we can offer instant gratification as our customers get our info products straight away as a download. When people buy from Amazon they have to wait days for a book to arrive.
Another great thing about downloadable info products is bizarrely they are seen to have a higher perceived value. If you sell a downloadable info product you can charge up to fifty dollars. While you might only be able to charge fifteen dollars for a book selling it via Amazon.Crazy but true.
Here is another fantastic research tool for the niche ebook publisher. The Dummies company you can find a ton of niche topics across all of the “…For Dummies” books. The Dummies company has made creating niche products an art form in its own right. Search through their titles in general niches that interest you and jot down potential ebook topics.
Go Article directories are, in my eyes, the best way to find subjects to create ebooks around. The Go Articles directory is just one of many in which you can go to the site, type in a niche subject in the search bar and get literally thousands of ebook ideas.
When visiting these sites the key here is to just make a huge list of potential topics, and then when you’re done go to http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/ and type in your topics. If there people searching for information on the subject (at least five thousand a month) you’ve just found an ebook topic that could turn into a very lucrative home based business.
I want to quickly dispell a myth about the internet.. Many would have you believe the internet is just one huge get rich quick scheme. Don’t for one second think you can just throw up a site, sit back and become rich. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Done properly ebook publishing can change your financial situation dramatically.
We want to build a network of mini sites that each make about 1K a month. We’re not aiming to become a millionaire here. Being able to come up with an endless amount of niche product ideas is the key here, then all you need to do is create the product.
Freelance writers
I know just what you’re thinking. “All you need to do” is create a product. They’re hard to create right? Well no actually you don’t need to write a single sentence of your ebook. You can hire people to do that for you at elance.com. For around five hundred to seven hundred bucks freelance writers will create the entire book for you.
You are an internet marketer, not a writer. Have one product created, write a press release, set up pay per click campaign and blast a few articles over the net on the topic of your ebook. Then have another one created, do the same, and just rinse and repeat.
To-day Multiple streams of autopilot income is the secret of wealthy entrepreneurs from around the globe. Now thanks to ebooks and the internet, anyone can set up streams of income that sends money into their bank account even whilst they sleep.
Len Hutton
So thankfully there’s hope. I’m going to show you a simple strategy you can use for finding as many niche markets to sell ebooks to as you could want. In this article.
Go to the above site. This is an amazing resource that won’t cost you a penny to sign up to. Start typing in niche markets that interest you. If you had an interest in planes you’d type in “ planes ”. Then all you need to do is make a list of all of the sub niches within the general niche market of planes. These are all potential niches for you to exploit.
“amazon.com” The bookselling giants are an amazing resource for finding niche markets you’d never have thought about entering. Go the web site and in the search bar select “books”. Then type in a niche you’d like to create a product around. For example type in “fishing”. Go through the results and start jotting down all of the niche markets that jump out at you.
When many people hear this technique they immediately think “wait a sec how can I compete with Amazon?”. You won’t be of course you’ll be catering for a different market. As ebook publishers we can offer instant gratification as our customers get our info products straight away as a download. When people buy from Amazon they have to wait days for a book to arrive.
Another great thing about downloadable info products is bizarrely they are seen to have a higher perceived value. If you sell a downloadable info product you can charge up to fifty dollars. While you might only be able to charge fifteen dollars for a book selling it via Amazon.Crazy but true.
Here is another fantastic research tool for the niche ebook publisher. The Dummies company you can find a ton of niche topics across all of the “…For Dummies” books. The Dummies company has made creating niche products an art form in its own right. Search through their titles in general niches that interest you and jot down potential ebook topics.
Go Article directories are, in my eyes, the best way to find subjects to create ebooks around. The Go Articles directory is just one of many in which you can go to the site, type in a niche subject in the search bar and get literally thousands of ebook ideas.
When visiting these sites the key here is to just make a huge list of potential topics, and then when you’re done go to http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/ and type in your topics. If there people searching for information on the subject (at least five thousand a month) you’ve just found an ebook topic that could turn into a very lucrative home based business.
I want to quickly dispell a myth about the internet.. Many would have you believe the internet is just one huge get rich quick scheme. Don’t for one second think you can just throw up a site, sit back and become rich. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Done properly ebook publishing can change your financial situation dramatically.
We want to build a network of mini sites that each make about 1K a month. We’re not aiming to become a millionaire here. Being able to come up with an endless amount of niche product ideas is the key here, then all you need to do is create the product.
Freelance writers
I know just what you’re thinking. “All you need to do” is create a product. They’re hard to create right? Well no actually you don’t need to write a single sentence of your ebook. You can hire people to do that for you at elance.com. For around five hundred to seven hundred bucks freelance writers will create the entire book for you.
You are an internet marketer, not a writer. Have one product created, write a press release, set up pay per click campaign and blast a few articles over the net on the topic of your ebook. Then have another one created, do the same, and just rinse and repeat.
To-day Multiple streams of autopilot income is the secret of wealthy entrepreneurs from around the globe. Now thanks to ebooks and the internet, anyone can set up streams of income that sends money into their bank account even whilst they sleep.
Len Hutton
Hello! I’m Len Hutton,
In the early nineties I realised that the way into the future was through the internet I had not quite worked out how but I kept my ear to the ground with an aim to keep learning. As everything was so new the only way I could learn was from expensive courses and seminar that I would attend and get fleeced most of the time. So after spending many thousands of pounds I decided to concentrate on my proper work that was photography.
For many years I worked for myself as a freelance photographer I worked from my home at Colchester and then at Gosport UK. About ten minutes from the sea looking on to the Isle of Wight across the Solent estuary and on the other side facing Portsmouth Harbour.
My main interest were wedding and portrait photography although I also did publicity and general photography as well.
I live in a most beautiful part of England. I can see the famous Portsmouth tower almost every time I go out and all the famous ships of the royal navy merchant navy cruise ships and liners like the Queen Mary 2 and the Queen Elizabeth 2 etc.
Now I just love photographing the sea and the coast line I’m interested in all types of photography and have undertaken most types of photography over the years. But my main interest is photographing people. I love to see the look on their faces when I present them with their photographs. Photographing people really is getting paid for what I love doing best.
However I am aware that photography is only a way of trading time for money with the odd exception when you sell extra prints and that is getting less these days. So for that reason I decided to come back to the internet for a living. I have learned a lot over the past few years and like to think I can help others along the way.
So if you like my blog and find that it helps you. Please keep checking in regularly
You can get a no cost video showing you step by step how to set up an internet business at - www.nicheresidualincomes.com
For many years I worked for myself as a freelance photographer I worked from my home at Colchester and then at Gosport UK. About ten minutes from the sea looking on to the Isle of Wight across the Solent estuary and on the other side facing Portsmouth Harbour.
My main interest were wedding and portrait photography although I also did publicity and general photography as well.
I live in a most beautiful part of England. I can see the famous Portsmouth tower almost every time I go out and all the famous ships of the royal navy merchant navy cruise ships and liners like the Queen Mary 2 and the Queen Elizabeth 2 etc.
Now I just love photographing the sea and the coast line I’m interested in all types of photography and have undertaken most types of photography over the years. But my main interest is photographing people. I love to see the look on their faces when I present them with their photographs. Photographing people really is getting paid for what I love doing best.
However I am aware that photography is only a way of trading time for money with the odd exception when you sell extra prints and that is getting less these days. So for that reason I decided to come back to the internet for a living. I have learned a lot over the past few years and like to think I can help others along the way.
So if you like my blog and find that it helps you. Please keep checking in regularly
You can get a no cost video showing you step by step how to set up an internet business at - www.nicheresidualincomes.com
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